Chapter 24

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Chapter 24.


"February is nearing. I'm ready for the chocolate b,"London said as we sat in our seats.

"The chocolate?"I moved my purse to my lap.

"For Valentine's Day, duh."She scoffed."Don't act brand new."

"I'm not it's just something I'm not really that involved in,"I shrugged."No man remember?"

She looked behind us then back to me,"So we just gon' pretend you and August don't get each other stuff every year?"

"Yeah but I mean, we've always done that."I shrugged."It's not like it means anything."

She rose an eyebrow.

"I mean..of course it means something but not the something you're referring to."I tried to explain."It's more like a platonic 'thank you for being my friend' day–thingy."

"A thank you for being my friend day–thingy April? Really?"

"It's the best way I know how to explain it."I whined."Why does it have to have a deeper meaning?"

"Because it's August and April, it's bound to have a deeper meaning."

"Why does everybody want us together so bad?"I chuckled.

"What's meant to be, will be."She shrugged.

"Yeah I guess,"I sighed remembering our time in New Orleans.

"Anyways, I don't even know what to get Lance."

"You say that every year."I laughed."But just end up finding him the perfect gift."

"It don't be the perfect gift. He just acts like he loves it so he won't hurt my feelings."

"Whatever, whatever. That just means you can buy him whatever."

"True."She shrugged."You find sumn for August?"

I shook my head no."I have to go to the mall anyways today so I'll get him something then."

"Going to the mall for what?"

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you. Uh, I'm going on a date."

She rose both of her eyebrows."A what?"

"A date."I laughed.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. When did you get inna game with a nigga?"

"Well,"I sighed,"I just sort of met him–"

"Wait April, now you buggin' baby girl. How much do you know about him?"

"He just asked me out four days ago and in those four days, we've actually talked over the phone a whole ton. So I now know all I need to know before getting involved with him."

She expanded her eyes elsewhere, looking around our class that was filling up by the minute.

"Well what did August have to say?"She turned back to me.

"Uh, he was cool with it."

"Get the fuck outta hea'."She reared her head back.

"Okay, okay, at first he was a little grumpy about it but,"I shrugged,"we decided on an agreement."

"And what might this agreement be? Because I'm lowkey tight right now."

"Why?"I giggled.

"Because yall are supposed to be together by now!"She threw her hands up."What the hell is taking so long for yall to realize that son?"

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