Chapter 20

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Chapter 20.


"He almost raised his shoe," Continued to play through my head as we went up to our hotel room. Instead of calling another taxi, Travis was generous enough to give us a lift—even though he was a little made that we beat him in the game.

August used his key to get us in since I was way too tired to even dig mine out of my purse. The minute we stepped foot into the room I kicked my heels off.

"Trynna let dem dawgs breathe huh?"August laughed.

I didn't even have the energy to hit him so I just poked my tongue out at him. May and June ran in after the two of us allowing me to shut the door behind them.

"I call shower first!"August ran into the bathroom before I could make it to my suitcase.

"Auuug,"I whined falling onto the bed,"you're so childish."

The water turned on and he opened the door,"I'm childish but chu' sprawled out onna bed whinin',"

He walked over to his suitcase to get out his sleepwear while I had half the mind to race to the bathroom. But I decided against it. That would take a whole lot of energy that I don't have.

"Shut uuup,"I groaned & rolled onto my stomach, smashing my face into the soft blanket.

"Don't slob onna bed!"He laughed after I heard the bathroom door close shut.

Now that I had a little time alone to myself I was able to think. Why in the world would Aug raise his shoe for that question? He doesn't feel that way about me...Does he?

Maybe he just misunderstood the question as a whole or maybe he didn't even raise his shoe and Chandra thought he did.

"Yeah."I mumbled."That makes sense."

So instead of letting it weigh on my mind, I left it alone and shut my eyes. It only felt like I slept for two minutes though because before I knew it, I was being lifted off of the bed.

"Get up Phat, you gotta get ta' da' bathroom."

"I'm gonna go."I whined trying to lay back down."Just not right now."

"No, cause then tomorrow you gon' be whinin' bout how I ain't wake you up. So get up."

I kissed my teeth and pushed him away from me trying to climb back in the bed. But he was quick to grab my foot and drag me to the edge.

"Nooooo,"I whined.

He picked me up with no problem and carried me straight to the bathroom. There my water was already ran, my clothes were on the counter, and my toothbrush was laid next to said clothes. He sat me on the counter and I sighed.

He pointed to the tub signaling me to get in so I pointed to the door signaling him to get out.

"I'm sleepy but I ain't that sleepy fool,"I slapped his butt as he was walking out,"You get an E for effort though, I promise."

"You gon' get a K fa' kick yo' ass,"He pointed to me."Keep on."

I giggled and shut the door behind him.


"Whatchu' lookin' at?"I asked May who was jus' staring at me.

She barked and tried ta' climb up onna bed.

"Nah, you been outside all day home girl. Wait till' we wash ya' off first."

"Who's talking to the dogs now?!"April yelled from in da' bathroom.

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