Chapter 33

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Chapter 33.


"Here I lay all alone, tossin', turning.."

I woke up to the sound of August singing in the bathroom. I looked over at my phone and seen a ton on missed calls from Jaxon. I rolled my eyes and shut it off completely, not in the mood for him right now.

There was no way I would be ever going back to him, not after what happened last night. I understand that he was drunk but since he's an alcoholic they'll be many more times like that and I'm not about to play his victim. He needs serious help.

It was fun while it lasted but never again.

I got out of bed and stretched out my legs since they felt cramped up. I started to rub my eyes but stopped once it stung to touch the cut one.

"I want you, more and more."August continued to sing while I approached the bathroom."can't resist you."

I pushed the door open, making him turn around from the sink. He had a comb in his hand and didn't miss a beat in continuing sing.

"Ooh and then I feel your touch,"He rubbed down his chest,"tender love."

"You look stupid."I smiled and shook my head.

"Don't hate on me."

"That's highly doubted."I scoffed."There's nothing to hate on."

"Nun ta' hate on?"He made a face."Whatchu' mean? Nigga I'm a god."

"Bye August."I shut the door and walked back to the bed.

He came out of the bathroom laughing and holding a duffle bag.

"Hea'. I gotchu some stuff from ya' crib."

"What? When did you leave?"I took the bag from him.

"Early dis mawnin'. I know you like wearin' my shit so you'ca keep dat if you want to."He scratched his head.

"Why do you keep moving your arm like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like it's in pain or something. Do you need a massage?"

"Nah, I'm good."He flexed his muscles."Prolly jus' need ta' stay outta da' gym."

"Boy bye."I laughed and walked pass him into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face as good as I could, and freshened up. I really didn't want take off Aug's clothes since they were so comfortable, so I just left it on. Not like I was going anywhere today. I don't have any classes today and I'm off of work.

I finally came out of the bathroom and was surprised to see May and June asleep on August's chest.

"You a bad mama."He pet them.

"No I'm not. I stopped by the house to feed and walk them. You're a bad daddy."I sat my duffle bag down.

"Shid, you a lie."

"And you're another one."I climbed into bed with them."Now are you gonna tell me what the medicine in the bathroom is for?"

He sighed."I jus' went ta' the doctor ta' get prescribed medicine fa' da' aches in my stomach and shoulders."

"So your shoulders do hurt."I nodded, knowing I was right.

"Yeah but da' medicine make me feel betta'."He sat up and reached down on the other side of the bed."Now fa' you.."

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