Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.


"Guess who make dat big twunny-two today!"I yelled as soon as I stepped foot inna April's apartment.

It was quiet as fuck in dat bitch but it have ta be bout seven sum inna mawnin'. I jus' knew ha' ass was gone be sleep.

And sho'nough when I walked in ha' room, dat la'ass was knocked out.

"Get up Phat!"

She shot up and screamed, fallin' out da' bed.

"C'mon August shit, you play too much!"She hopped up.

She started walkin' towards da' bafroom in ha' room so I followed close behind.

"You wakin' up all mad n'shit. Lookin' like a fuckin' monsta. Blowin' ya damn hot ass dragon breath errywhea."

She pointed ha' middle finger at me afta' grabbing a toothbrush. I laughed and sat next ta ha' onna toilet seat, jus' starin, knowing it would piss ha' off.

"What the hell are you staring at boy?"She spat in da sink."Problem?"

Smirking, I shook my head."Trus'n buhlee me baybeh, you'n want dese prollems."

She rolled ha' eyes at me again, den went ova' ta the closet. She pulled out a small towel and went back ta' the sink.

"I don't?"

"You don't."

"So what if I do,"She smiled,"What you gonna do?"

"Don't test me lil one,"I pinched the back of ha' thigh."Happy Birthday."

"Thank you,"She washed ha' face off.

After she got done wit' all ha' hygiene shit, she followed me back into ha' room. I took a seat on ha' bed and she took a seat close ta' me, folding ha' legs Indian style.

"...What'chu doin?"I smirked.

I know exactly what she want.

"Nuuuuthing,"She started lookin' all around the room. When she couldn't find what she was lookin' fa, she frowned at me,"Aug?"

"Wazzup Phat?"

"Umm,"She started playin' wit' da sheets,"uh...."

I grinned, trynna keep myself from laughin,"Gone head and say it fo' ya' fa'get."

"Where's know.... gift?"

"Gift? Shiid, it's right hea'."I stood up pointin' ta ma' body.

"Auguuust,"She whined throwin' ha head back.

"Damn, I ain't even unwrap yet and you excited,"I laughed touchin' ha chin.

She mugged da fuck outta me and folded ha' arms ova' ha chest.

Of course y'all know I got ha' lil spoiled ass a gift. I jus' feel like fuckin' wit ha'. It's funny as hell seeing ha' frustrated.

"I gotchu a gift April chill out,"I chuckled,"jus' wait a lil ta get it."

"But why?"She whined."It's my birthday already."

"Stop all'at whining."I laughed goin ova' ta ha' dresser."And be happy fa a second. It's ya day ma, I gotchu."

I put ha' crown on ha' head from when she won prom queen and she smiled at me. Fa some off da' wall ass reason, April always get like this fa her birthday. I neva' questioned it though, jus' always gave ha' da best day.





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