Imagine for Hemmings_McDonough

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Your pov:

Luke's been on tour for 4 weeks now and I'm going surprise Luke today. 2 weeks ago Calum text me saying that Luke's been missing me, since then we've been planning everything. Yesterday I had finished packing my bag. Today's the day I'm leaving to see Luke, I miss him so much and I can't wait to see Luke's face when he sees me.

Right now I am in the airport waiting for my plane to arrive, I was on the phone to Calum when my plane got called, I told him I would see him later. When I finally arrived Calum was already at the airport. The other boys knew I was coming but Luke, Calum drove us to the venue since it was nearly time for the boys to go on stage. Security saw me and smiled, he walked over and we walked backstage. I hid for awhile and finally the boys went on stage.

Luke wasn't himself, he looked so.. so depressed, he looked out of it but he didn't want to let them down. They sang, What I Like About You, Wherever You Are, She Looks So Perfect & more. Calum then introduced Amnesia and Luke was crying, he started singing and his voice cracked. The boys saw me and carefully waved, I waved back and watched Luke.

"Okay guys we all have a surprise for Luke" Ashton cheered, Luke looked confused, Calum walked over to me and grabbed my hand, I walked on stage and everyone screamed, Luke turned around and looked at me. His eyes widened and he ran over to me picking me up.

"Riley! I-I've missed you so much! What are you doing here?" He smiled giving me a kiss, I giggled and wiped his tears away.

"Well the boys and I have been planning this for awhile, they told me you missed me and well I missed you too so we decided I came here" I smiled, he grinned and kissed me making everyone scream. The boys cheered and we blushed.

"I love you so much baby girl, you're staying for the next few months, right?" He whispered, I nodded my head and he smile widened.

"I love you too Luke" I smiled, we said bye to the fans and we all walked backstage catching up on the things that I missed.


Hope you liked it :)

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