He thinks you cheated on him part 2

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A/N: read part 1 first.. I uploaded it wrong

Luke's pov:

She fucking cheated how could she. I was on my way to Ashtons as I knocked on the door he let me, the rest of the boys were there.

"Hey mate what's up?" Calum smiled

"Y/N is what's up!" I muttered

"Oh yeah speaking of y/n how is she, she told me she was meeting up with her brother today to catch up!" He smiled


"Her b-brother?" I stuttered tears welling up in my eyes

"Yes her brother " calum gave me a look.

"What did you do?" Michael looked at me

By now I had 3 pairs of eyes staring at me

"Luke!  What did you do?" Michael spoke

"Accused y/n of cheating.." I muttered but they heard

"LUKE!!! " they all shouted

"Why would you do that! " calum shouted

"I dont know.." I muttered.

"Go apologize. " Michael shouted

I nodded and ran out. 

The guilt started eating me alive.. I shouldn't of accused you of cheating and calling her a whore

I ran in the house and ran upstairs to hear soft sobs coming from y/n.

I knocked on the door

"Baby open up, I'm so sorry.." I cried

She opened the door,I started crying

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have accused you of cheating, I should of remember it was your brother. " I cried

"Luke you could of asked " she stopped crying

"I'm so sorry princess, please forgive me "

To my surprise she hugged me

"I forgive you lukey " she smiled

I smiled back and I kissed her.

"I love you y/n"

"I love you lukey " she smiled

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