Imagine for lashtonaf67

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Lukes Pov:D:
I was visiting Jada in America today as I was back from tour, I was going to propose to her tonight, hopefully she'll say yes, I walked through the door and hugged her

"Hey Jada?? " I smiled
"Yeah?" She smiled her beautiful smile
"We should go out tonight, I have a place for us to go,her favourite restraunt Olive Garden.

As she got ready I made sure I ha everything I needed.  We were in the car on our way, I am so nervous.

Half an hour later our food finally arrived, we had just finished our food and I got up and got on one knee, she gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. Here goes..

"Jada when I first met you it was love at first sight, I finally grew the balls to ask you out and when you said Yes I was the happiest boy in the world, I love you so much and you mean everything to me,  will you do the honours of becoming Mrs Jada Hemmings? " I smiled and tears streamed down her face. Everyone was silent awaiting an answer.

"Yes!  A million times Yes!" She cried, I picked her up and kissed her after I put her down I put the ring on her finger as everyone cheered and clapped.

"I love you Jada " I grinned
"I love you too Luke " she smiled
How did I get so lucky? I thought

Hope you liked it Jada

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