School Love

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You had PE today and coincidentally so did your boyfriend Luke. Lukes in year 11 and you're in year 9.

You had girls football and the boys had rugby, the whole school knew you were dating and so did the teachers. You were on one half of the dirty field and the boys including luke were on the other half, your best friend had kicked the ball way too hard and it ended up going over to the boys.

"Y/n can you go and get the ball please " Your PE teacher asked and you nodded your head running over. You saw the love of your life holding the ball with a smirk on his face.  The whole of the boys stood around staring at you both. 

" Can I have the ball back please" You smiled and he shook his head.

"Nah, I kinda like it"  He grinned spinning it on his finger. 

"Luke please! Can I have it back before I get in trouble " You groaned. Again he shook his head.

" Luke Robert Hemmings, give me my ball back "I used his full name and he rolled his eyes playfully.

" Only if.. " He trailed off and I sighed." Only if I get a kiss " He smirked. I went on my tip toes and pecked his lips.

" Better? " you asked and he shook his head leaning  down to kiss you more. That is before you heard both your names. 

" Y/F/N and Luke Hemmings please stop kissing so we can get on with PE " Mr Weller shouted.  We laughed and he kissed me again.

" I'll see you later. I love you " He whispered making sure the boys didn't hear him. Not that he cared anyway. 

" Okay, I love you too" You smiled and ran back to the girls. Half way through PE though you caught Luke staring at you. He winked and blew a ton of kisses, until he got hit in the head that is.

You held in a giggle, your teacher playfully rolled her eyes as she watched. Cause hey guess what.   Your PE teacher is your mother!

"Ms Y/l/N stop staring at Luke and carry on playing before I ground you for a week " My mum laughed along with everyone else. Finally the lesson had finished and you ran to the changing rooms, of course you and Luke were racing he won of course but he's got really long legs what do you expect. 

You had 3 hours left of school and when your last class ended you walked into the parking lot to find your boyfriend swinging his car keys around his finger. How the hell did he get out so early you thought as you ran over to him kissing him not even caring that everyone was watching. It's nothing new to them or anyone for that matter. 


Hey guys so I have no idea what this was and it's probably crap.  It's 1:08am and this idea popped into my head thinking about a pervious thing that's happened in my life so yea I hope you enjoyed this shitty imagine

Remember to vote, comment and follow me if you haven't already ;)

Also comment what you thought of this imagine. I'd love to wake up to comments :)

And also don't be afraid to criticise, if you didn't like it do let me know in the comments so I don't write anything like this again. 

Also, I'd like to thank everyone who reads this like I have so many reads it's unbelievable. Who would have thought someone who started writing cause she was bored ended up getting so many reads on a book. 

If someone told me a year ago I would start writing imagines and I get loads of reads I'd probably have laughed in their face

So anyway yea thanks for reading guys ilysm x

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