He loves your twin more Part 1

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Your pov:

Me and Luke were suppose to be spending the day together, I walked downstairs and tried to talk to luke.

"Hey luke! " I smiled

"Hi" he mumbled

" are we still spending the day together? "

"I'm busy today" he mumbled again. 

"Oh okay!" I mumbled

Suddenly Amy came running downstairs

"Lukey can we go to the park? " she smiled " sure sweetie go put your coat on" he smiled.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I ran upstairs crying. I heard the door close,  does he even love me anymore? I thought

There was a knock on my door.

"Sweetie it's mum,can I come in?" She sounded concerned

"Yeah.." my voice cracked

"Whats wrong sweetheart? " she rubbed your back

"Luke doesn't love me.."  I sobbed

"I'm sure he does sweetheart "

"He doesn't he only loves amy, we were suppose to be spending the day together! " I sobbed

She rubbed my back and walked away.

I could hear mum on the phone.

"Luke y/n thinks you don't love her anymore! " mum shouted through the phone.  There was mumbling

"Just come home Luke! "

I led in bed crying when 20 minutes later there was knocking on my door and I knew exactly who it was


Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now