Imagine for my best friend!!<3

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Imagine for @_darkness_within_


Luke's pov:

Cassie and I have been dating for at least a year now, it's  nearly her birthday and I'm going to take her out on a date, I'm planning on proposing to her on her birthday to make it even more memorable, I've never been so excited to marry anyone as perfect as her! Calum's decided to help me pick out a ring for Cassie. I looked around and found the most perfect one ever!

It was a silver ring with a diamond on the top, it looked almost as gorgeous as Cassie, nobody could compare to her. I paid for the ring which was £100. I decided to buy a black suit as well, I'm making this the most memorable day ever. I also bought her a super cute dress as well.

Once I bought everything I walked home I made sure I hid everything and sat down watching Cassie color, once she had finished she sat watching movies with me, every time I'm with her I always get butterflies in my stomach.. How cliché.  Her birthdays tomorrow and also the day I'm proposing to her, god I'm so nervous!

"Hey Cassie?" I called, she walked into the living room and I smiled, I told her to go upstairs and put on the dress I had bought her, I led it safely on the bed earlier. She nodded her head and walked upstairs. I was already in my suit, I had everything I needed, the ring, her present and everything else. She walked downstairs and she looked absolutely gorgeous! I coughed lightly, she smiled as I walked over to her kissing her lightly.

"Happy birthday princess, now c'mon we're gonna be late" I smiled grabbing her hand and holding the door open for her waiting for her to get in the car, once she was in I carefully shut the door. When we arrived she gasped tears welling up in her eyes, I took her to the best posh restaurant ever. I held the door open for her and we walked over to the desk.

"Uh, Mr Hemmings" I spoke, she smiled and looked on her laptop she smiled when she saw my name, she showed us to our table, there was a candle on our table and it was absolutely beautiful, I looked at Cassie and tears were in her eyes, I held her hand, she smiled as I rubbed my thumb under her eyes. Our food had shown up and I suddenly got up.


Your pov:

Luke had decided to take me to the best posh restaurant ever, it looked so beautiful! It was my birthday today and Luke said he had something special planned but I never thought it would be this. We walked in and the lady shown us our seats, there was a candle lit on the table, I couldn't help but let a tear fall, Luke smiled and grabbed my hand and rubbing his thumb under my eye.

After 10 minutes our food showed up, we started eating and Luke suddenly got up. I looked confused until he got down on one knee, I gasped and my hand flew to my mouth.

"Cassie, from the first day I met you I knew it was love at first sight, that day was the best day of my life, I met the most amazing girl who has ever walked this earth and having you as my girlfriend couldn't make me any more happier, I don't know what I would do without you, I love you so much Cassie, I guess what I'm saying is will you marry me?" He smiled biting his lip, tears rolled down my cheeks and I nodded.

"YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" I shouted, his eyes sparkled and a massive grin appeared on his face, he slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me, everyone cheered and I blushed, is it possible to be this happy?!

"I've also got you this happy birthday baby girl" He smiled handing me a giant penguin, I grinned and hugged him. "Now you can snuggle with him whilst I'm away on tour" He grinned hugging me tighter. We sat back down enjoying our meal before taking a long walk on the beach whilst the sun started to set.

This surely was the best day ever! And definitely the best birthday ever. How did I get so lucky?


Hope you like it Cassie :) Love you xox

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