Imagine for Nichole_IM5❤❤

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You were led in bed sick, you had a massive migraine, sickness and you were hot and cold, you've been trying to sleep but you can't get comfortable.

You had just fallen asleep when your phone buzzed.

1 new message:

From Lukey:

Hey baby, hope your better, I'll be round in an hour:) xxx

You had no energy to answer.

*1 hour later *

*Luke's POV*

Nichole has been sick for a few days now so I decided to go over and see her.

I walked through the door into her bedroom and she was led in bed asleep with her her stuck to her face and she was so peaceful.

I walked over to her and she jolted awake

"Hey baby,better yet?"I softly spoke because her head

"Not really " her voice was cracking

I took my clothes off until I was just in my boxers, moved her hair away from her face lightly kiss her and snuggled up to her.

"You'll be okay princess, go to sleep.  I love you"

She slowly nodded her hair

"I love you too" she replied and we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Sorry if it's bad. I tried my best:)
Hope you like it anyway:)

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