He asks you on a date

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You were getting dressed and ready because your best best and the rest of 5SOS were coming round for a band practice, you had developed feelings for Luke since you were 13 years old, you knew you would never be together you thought he didn't like you back but boy were you wrong.

After half an hour the boys arrived,they all you gave you a hug but you noticed something was wrong with Luke,  you shrugged it off and thought Nothing of it.

You and the boys were talking but Luke seemed really awkward,  they went to the basement to practice but you stayed upstairs,  as you were making them drinks you turned round and got scared By Luke making you jump.

"Hey.." You said awkwardly

"Hey.." He was nervous about something

"Y/N you probably don't feel the same way as I do and this might ruin our friendship but I umm.... I Love You! " He blushed

You just stood there shocked

"It's okay..  I better get going the boys are wondering where I am..it's fine I didn't think you would feel the same way..  " A tear fell down his cheek but before you could say anything he left which left you shocked and you stood in awe.

You walked downstairs and heard crying you decided to eavesdrop and hear what was going on.

"I knew she wouldn't like me back..why would she  she's perfect and I'm just well me.." Luke sobbed voice cracking making your heartache

"I shouldn't have told her... I shouldn't have said anything, I made a fool of myself "He angrily sobbed. You felt your Heartbreak knowing you were the reason he was upset.

"It's Okay mate..maybe she does like you..  but didn't know what to say!" You could tell it was calum.

"She doesn't and she never will..all she's ever going to see me as is a best friend... I love her so much "He sobbed

Your heartbroke you had enough and ran in with tears of your own.

"Can I have a minute alone with Luke? "

"Yeah sure we'll be upstairs" Ashton smiled.

"Hey.. " You said softly "Don't cry Luke I'm sorry I was just so shocked I've had a crush on you since we were 13 I didn't expected you to like me back."

This made him look at you and his face brightened up as you wiped his tears.

"Y-You have? " He smiled his voice cracking

"Of course I have youve been my best friend for years of course I love you "

"Well...would you go on a date with me Friday?" He smiled with hope in his eyes

"I would love too " With that he kissed you which instantly brought butterflies and sparks to both your stomachs,  after you pulled away you rested your foreheads on each others.

"I love you Y/N "

"I love you Luke" You smiled and kissed him again.

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now