Imagine For Divergent432

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Hi I'm Laura, today I'm going to my first 5SOS concert and I'm excited, my parents finally let me go by myself, the only reason I'm on my own is because my mates despise 5SOS, I don't know why but for some reason they do. I have brown hair and eyes and I'm 5'5 and I'm 13 years old. Anyway let's see how embarrassing this concert went but was it actually embarrassing? It depends on if you get embarrassed or not.

It's currently 3pm and I'm just getting out of the shower, I walked into my bedroom sitting at my dressing table my auntie bought me for Christmas. I dried my hair and then straightened my hair. I added my makeup (I don't know if you wear makeup Laura but oh well :)) I put on foundation, concealer, eye shadow a little bit of eyeliner and a nude lip gloss, I don't like to much makeup but it works I also add my powder too. (I'm sorry if it's too much makeup) once I though I looked decent I got up and walked over to my wardrobe and spent at least 20 minutes trying to find something to wear until I finally picked out a 5sos tank top and my favourite skinny jeans and a 5sos hoodie just in case I get cold. I checked the time and it was 4:30, the concerts at 6 and it takes 40 minutes to get there. So if I leave now I will make it there by 5:05 which gives me time to add any finishing touches in the car. I grab my handbag and put on my black vans.

I walked downstairs and my dad was sitting on the sofa watching TV. I walked in and smiled at him. "Can we go now dad? If we leave now we'll make it before 6" I smiled again and he nodded, he picked up his keys and I said bye to my mum getting into the car. We spoke for awhile before we go outside the venue, everyone was going crazy. I said bye to my dad as I was getting out the car, he told me he'll pick me up after the concert I just have to text him. I walked into the toilets to brush my hair and sort out my makeup. Finally it was time for the concert, I had front row tickets and I was excited. Half way through they were singing she's kinda hot, I started feeling really dizzy and light headed because it was so warm, I was barely able to stand up and before I knew it I was on the floor. Someone was shouting that I had fainted and it caught everyone's attention. When I finally woke up I was backstage with the boys? They were all looking concerned and I just slowly sat up. Luke was staring at me and smiled.

"You had quite a fall, are you feeling okay now? " Calum asked me and I nodded barely being able to breathe because come on I'm talking to 5SOS!" Yeah I'm fine just a little bit dizzy, how did the rest of the concert go? I can't believe I missed the rest "I whispered feeling sad. I've been waiting for this for ages." It went fine, we were worried about you though" Michael spoke up looking at me and I smiled. Why were they worried about me. Anyway after half an hour of talking I got pictures and their signatures too.

I even got their phone numbers, how crazy is that? Finally it was time to go home, on the way home I had a text from the boys asking if I wanted to spend the day with them next Monday, of course I couldn't deny so I said yes of course. We've now been friends for at least a month or so and Luke is already boyfriend and the rest of 5sos became my best friends. How crazy is that though, I was just a fan who fainted. I guess dreams do come true.

Hey Laura I hope this was okay for you, I really enjoyed writing this so I really hope you enjoy reading it. If you ever want another imagine I will be happy to write you one x

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now