High School Crushes

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Lukes pov :

There she stood by her locker looking beautiful as every. Her perfectly curled hair and her baby blue eyes sparkling as she laughed with her friends. Y/N Y/L/N the girl in the year below me, God I've been crushing on her for like 2 years she's just so beautiful but she'd never like someone like me.

"C'mon mate seriously stop staring at her. One day she's gonna catch you and she's gonna think you're a freak " My friend Michael laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed blushing slightly.

"She'll never notice me so who cares and anyways the only freak here Is Mr I'm so cool I have to dye my hair until I lose it all" I joked and he shook his head laughing. We carried on talking for awhile.

"Luke just talk to her for Christ Sake it's not that hard " Calum spoke and I sighed biting my lip after opening my locker getting my books out.

" I'll probably just talk to her tomorrow, but seriously she's never gonna like me" I paused looking at her again. "She doesn't even know my name" I closed my locker walking away as the bell rang.


Kinda short guys I'm sorry! It's 12am but I NEEDED to update cause I owe you guys a lot of imagines to make up for my lack of updating

Thanks for reading guys. 5 votes and 3 comments for the next update. Do let me know how your liking them so far.

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now