He loves your twin more part 2

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Lukes pov:

I was sat downstairs when my annoying little sister came downstairs.

"Hey luke " she smiled

"Hi" I mumbled

"Are we still spending the day together?"

"I'm busy today.. " I mumbled again

"Oh okay." She mumbled

Amy came downstairs.

"Lukey can we go to the park? " she smiled "sure sweetie, go put your coat on " I smiled. I looked at y/n she looked like she was gonna cry. She ran upstairs but I walked out to the park with Amy .

As we were messing around my phone rang.

"Hello?" I spoke

"Luke y/n thinks you don't love her" she spoke

Why would she think that of course I do.

"Of course I do I always spend time with he- " I cut myself off

I never spend time with her anymore..

"Just come home Luke! " she spoke

Me and Amy walked home and I decided to go up and apologize

I knocked on her door

"Y/n baby it's me" I could hear her crying..I'm such a horrible brother..

"What do you want " she snarled..

"I'm sorry baby.. " I sniffed

"I don't care! You don't love me, got to Amy clearly you love her better than me! " she screamed.. my heart breaking in two

"Y/n I'm really sorry, of course I love you! Your my baby sister!" I spoke softly nearly crying

I walked in her room hugging her.

"I love you y/n and I'm so sorry!" I cried

"It's okay.. I forgive you " she smiled

"How about me and you spend the whole day together with no Amy" I smiled

"I'd love that! " she grinned

"I love you baby" I grinned

"I love you too lukey " she smiled back

I'm so glad she's better now.

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