Imagine for Niallerismine0913

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Your pov:

I was standing by my locker talking to my best friend Ashton but I kept staring at one particular boy... Luke Hemmings, I've had a crush on him for ages.

"Kayla!" Ashton shouted clicking his fingers in my face.

"Wha- " I  started

"You like Luke!!! " he whisper /yelled.

"Maybe.. " i blushed

" you fancy my best friend " he laughed

I blushed harder

Ashton walked up to Luke and started saying something to him whilst I watched, I saw Luke blush at something Ashton said.

I was lost in thought again when I heard

"Hey Kayla! " I turned around and it was Luke

"H-hi " I stuttered

"Lukey here wanted to know if you would like to go on date with him"Ashton spoke while me and Luke blushed but he gave Ashton a stern look!

"So Kayla what do you say?" Luke spoke smiling

"I-id love to" you smiled

You both hugged and after a while you became a wonderful couple that made everyone want your relationship

Sorry It's late and I'm sorry it's crap x

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now