Imagine for dahelluke(Tiffany)

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I was sat at the back of my maths class, one of my favourite subjects, once everyone walked in my best friend sat next to me, I smiled at her and we spoke until my teacher walked in, Luke the famous boy at our school walked into my lesson and sat in front of us, he's in band called 5 seconds of summer. I kind of liked him but I knew he wouldn't really like me, plus we barely know each other.

"Okay class, so we have a maths project that I want you guys to work on in pairs" My teacher started, everyone started talking and we chose our partners until my teacher finished. "I have already chosen your partners and there will be no change in partners, I feel like this project is really important so I have chosen for you." Everyone groaned and I rolled my eyes.

He said everyone's names, lastly he said my name. "Tiffany and Luke" I instantly looked up and my eyes widened.. 'No no no I can't work with him' I thought but I never said it out loud. We all sat next to our partners and Luke came and sat next to me, he smiled and my heart fluttered.

"Tiffany, if you want we can do the project at my house?" He asked getting pretty nervous, I nodded my head, the lesson finished and I got up, I walked out the class and walked up to my locker. I grabbed all my books and the bell rang signally school was over.

Luke walked over to me and smiled, I smiled back and he asked if I wanted to go to his now, I thought about it and nodded, I text my mum and told her I'd be at a friends house, she said okay and we drove to his.  "So tiffany you don't seem all interested that I'm famous" He smiled, I nodded my head and his smile widened.

"Why would I, it's nice that your famous and all but I don't l- see you as famous, I only care about personality and stuff" I felt a bit awkward as I nearly said I liked him. We had done some of the project and it started to get late, Luke drove me home, he said he'd see me tomorrow.

It's been 2 weeks now and we've nearly finished our project, we've been hanging out nearly everyday and not just for the project, unfortunately every time we go out we're swarmed by fans which annoys me.  We were sitting in his living room just talking about random shit. We were laughing and being ourselves when Luke suddenly spoke up.

"Tiffany?" He asked I looked at him and he sighed. "Do you well do you have a crush on anyone at our school?" He asked and I shook my head, he grinned and I gave him a confused look. He got up and sat behind me.  "I know you like me" He whispered in my ear making me shiver.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, my eyes widened and a massive grin grew on my face as I looked at him, I nodded my head and he gave me the biggest hug ever. We finished our project and decided to cuddle on the sofa watching TV. 'I am so lucky' I thought before slowly falling asleep against Luke's chest.

Hope you liked it Tiffany :) x

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