He makes you feel insecure

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You had been getting ready to go out with Luke tonight, as you were walking downstairs you heard Luke talking to someone on the phone you decided to eaves drop,

"I don't know Calum shes put on so much weight lately and she has so many spots and its horrible. I don't know she's not the same as she used to be, her whole attitudes changed she never talks to anyone,  she's so grouchy lately and I hate it. "

well ouch that hurt you let the tears freely fall down your face, you decided you weren't going out with him tonight but before you headed upstairs you heard him say  "I just get so embarrassed when I'm out with her you know? "

You started to sob, you thought it was quiet but it wasn't,  Luke turned round with a shocked expression which suddenly turned to guilt he knew you heard. 

"I'll call you later Cal bye"

He quickly rushed to your side wiping your tears aw. "Baby I am so sorry I didn't mean it.  please I'm sorry "

You could see it in his eyes he was gonna cry, you could also see the guilt in his eyes,  you looked up at him and asked with tears rushing down your face.

"Am I really that fat?" You asked voice cracking

"Of course your not your perfect I am so sorry you know I didn't mean it please. "

You had enough and ran upstairs .  You took of all your make up and changed out of your dress, you looked at your appearance in the mirror, your face was full of acne, your eyes landed on your stomach it wasn't flat but it wasn't round either,  you felt the tears again, you lied on the bed trying to hold in your sobs.

An hour later you heard banging on the door.  Luke begging you to let him in, you slowly got up and unlocked the door.  He pulled you into a tight hug so you couldn't run away.

"Baby I am so so so so  sorry,  your perfect you're not fat and you're  not ugly! Your perfect to me and that's all that matters.  By this time he had tears streaming down his face .

"I love you Y/N and I am so sorry "

"I love you too Luke and I forgive you"You stood on your tip toes and kissed him.

After you decided to just stay in and cuddled in bed watching films.

I honestly know Luke wouldn't be like this,  he's so kind I don't think he would be mean to someone anyways I hope you liked it xx

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