First kiss

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You and Luke were walking along the beach hand in hand,  it was silent for a while but it wasn't awkward it was a comfortable silence,  you and Luke had a busy day shopping and messing around. 

You and Luke started walking home you were talking about the future and what you wanted to do, you spoke about the band for a while until you reached your doorstep. You turned to look at Luke who was looking nervous for some reason just as you were about to ask what was wrong you felt his soft lips on yours, you instantly kissed back and that's when you felt sparks and butterflies erupting in your stomach  you smiled into the kiss which made him smile,  you for interrupted when your annoying older brother walked outside which made you both pull apart.

"Well I better get going see you tomorrow bye Y/N " he pecked you on the lips

"Bye Luke"You waved and of course he waved back

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now