High School Crushes Part 2

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Lukes pov :

Finally 3 o'clock came around and I could finally go home. I walked to my locker meeting up with Michael and calum, they hadn't arrived yet so I put my stuff in my locker and stood waiting that is until I saw her walk past me she didn't even look at me. The boys arrived and we finally went home.

I sat in my bedroom on my laptop and I decided to message Y/n.

'Hey you probably don't know me but I'm luke, I'm in the class near you, I see you around a lot ' I took a deep breath and pressed send. This could either be a bad thing or a good thing.

I walked downstairs to get a glass of water and a snack, I of course said hi to my dad who had just walked through the door.  I walked back upstairs and noticed I had a message from Y/n.

'Hey, you're the boy who's lockers opposite mine, I see you everyday too, you're luke hemmings right? You practice music in my music room every Friday! ' My eyes widened.  She notices me?!

I replied and we started chatting for awhile. I plucked up the courage to ask her out she said yes. 


Again short part 2 sorry guys :( I'm so tired! Anyways thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoy it.  I also have another imagine idea called, relationships never last.

Should I write it?? Let me know in the comments xx ly x

I have to do another luke book guys :( can't write anymore stories on here.  Do you guys want me to write another one or not x

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