Imagine For Buicke630

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My names Emily! A few days ago I met a really cute boy called Luke Hemmings, he's the total Badboy of the school, he has all the girls falling for him but I heard he has a crush on a girl but who? It obviously wouldn't be me but maybe we find out who? You'll just have to read and find out. So here's just a normal day at school. If you can call it normal.

I was standing by my locker with my mates when the schools Badboy walked through, every girl was acting all sweet and there was me just being normal. Luke and I have only spoken a few times, he smiles at me a lot. Okay so maybe I have a little crush on him but nobody needs to know because he wouldn't like me back. My friends and I were talking when we saw luke and his "group" there was 2 of them apart from Luke. There names are. Calum Hood and Michael Clifford, they were pretty hot but Luke is definitely hotter.

"Hey girls, Hey Emily " Luke smiled at us and I smiled back, butterflies were going crazy in my stomach everytime Luke smiled." Hey Luke" I smiled, we started talking for awhile when Luke asked to talk to me privately. Why would he want to talk to me "Alone"

We stood outside the cafeteria, Luke was stood in front of me biting his lip ring. He looked so hot right now I could kiss him. "So anyway I wanted to talk to you about something. Ever since I met you I've been feeling crazy about you! Everytime I think of you I can't help but smile" He grinned and i smiled. He thinks about me? I asked myself. "And well I kind of have a massive crush on you" He spoke scratching the back of his neck. I could literally feel myself blush.

"I feel the same way Luke "I grinned and it was his turn to blush." Everytime I think of you as well I get butterflies and everytime I see you smile your gorgeous smile I can't help but feel so happy! It's like your smile can make everyone happy " I spoke from my heart and he smiled. Again.

" So if you feel the same, you won't mind me doing this " He grinned and leant down to kiss me. Id be lying if I said I didn't feel anything because I could literally feel the sparks and his lips are so soft. After a few minutes we pulled away. " Wow" we both said at the same time making us laugh. "That was" He started "Amazing" I finished and he nodded. How can anyone be such a good kisser?!

"Well we better get back to everyone otherwise they're going to wonder what's taking us so long " I laughed and he nodded, half way back he grabbed my hand making everyone stare and I couldn't stop smiling. How is he so perfect?


Hey Emily, I hope you like it(: I tried my hardest so I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it, if you ever want another one, just let me know x

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