He thinks you cheated on him part 1

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Your pov:

I was out spending the day with my brother as I haven't seen him in a few years so we decided to catch up.

we had just finished and he was going home he kissed my cheek.  We said Bye and walked home

By the time I got in I met a angry Luke

"Y/N WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CHEAT ON ME?" he screamed in my face making me flinch

"I-i didnt" I stuttered

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THEN!" He yelled throwing a magazine at me, the title reading


"Luke that was my brother-" I started

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT SHIT YOU LYING WHORE! " he shouted and then left.

Tears started streaming down my face , how could he.

I ran upstairs sobbing.. I didn't cheat

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