Your sick

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You had caught an illness when you went on holiday,  you were currently led in bed asleep with Luke next to you.

When you woke up you suddenly felt sick,after you threw up you went back to bed.

"sweetheart are you okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine"You voice cracked

Luke went downstairs and made soup and a cup of tea.

"Here you go princess, hope you get better I miss my kisses" He pouted

"Baby .. I don't feel well" You cried

"Babe, get some rest you'll be fine"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

After that you fell asleep

Luke's Pov:

I hate her being sick, she can't do a thing I wish she wasn't sick, as we were talking she cried and fell asleep,  it breaks my heart while she's ill.

I sat and watched her sleep peaceful.

I got up and went downstairs and my phone buzzed signaling I had a text.

I unlocked my phone and I had 3 texts from the boys

'Hey how's Y/N doing?'

To Cal:
She's alright she's asleep at the moment, she should he fine by tomorrow '

From Mikey:
'Hope Y/N's getting better, let me know How she is..we'll be over tomorrow "

To Mikey:
Yeah she's getting better shes okay.  Alright see you tomorrow.

From Ash:
tell Y/N I said to get better, I miss our happy bunny,  we are coming over tomorrow and we have a surprise for her.

To Ash:
I will do and so do I..  she is so sad I hate it, she's asleep at the moment and can't wait for the surprise see you tomorrow bro.

I went upstairs to the sound of throwing up I sighed and ran upstairs finding her over the toilet throwing up I held her hair up and rubbed her back.

"Baby... let's go to bed"

She cleaned her teeth flushed the toilet

I picked her up and carried her to bed,  I tucked her in and got in myself and snuggled up to her to keep her warm

"Goodnight princess I love you"

"I love you too"

We both then fell asleep.

sorry this is long x

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