Imagine for Lillykoz8

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Your pov:

I was in Luke and I's bedroom putting on my makeup and doing my hair. The boys were over and so Luke was downstairs, after about half an hour I had finally finished getting ready, I started walking downstairs when I heard my name. Luke started talking and I walked outside the living room door. I heard him sigh and Calum asked him whats wrong.

"It's Lilly" He sighed, I frowned as Ashton asked what about me. "She's wearing so much makeup lately it's making her skin bad.. she's getting a lot of dry skin lately and it's disgusting. I love her don't get me wrong but.. I hate her appearance" Tears started welling up in my eyes, I just sulked and walked upstairs. I took off all my makeup and looked at my skin, there was a bit of dry skin by my eyes, I washed my face and it went. I just stared in the mirror before I walked downstairs.

I walked into the living room and sat next to Luke, he looked at me and looked confused. "Lilly, what happened to your makeup. I thought you were wearing it today" He spoke quietly. I just sighed.

"Oh you know Luke, I didn't want to wear it because it's making my skin look bad! Oh and don't forget I get dry skin AND you hate my appearance." I basically shouted. Him and the boys looked guilty and I couldn't stop the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Lilly, I'm so sorry! It was wrong of me to say that. I absolutely love your appearance, I love you wearing makeup. We all get a bit of dry skin from time to time" He whispered wrapping his arm around me, I tried to move but he was too strong. I just sighed and relaxed.

"I forgive you Luke, yes it was wrong of you but I'll forgive you because I love you" I smiled.

"I love you too" He grinned, all the boys awwhed and we told them to piss off and they laughed. Luke pulled me in for a passionate kiss before we all decided to watch TV and spend some time together before they go home.


Hope you liked it Lilly :) x

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