Imagine for Madie3301

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Your pov:

Luke and I were playing video games today, we got really competitive with each other, we were playing fifa for about half an hour, I started winning but then Luke one, he got really happy and as I was about to get up Luke's hand accidentally wacked me in the nose, I winced and Luke instantly looked at me with a depressed look on his face.

"Madie OMG i am so so so so sorry, it was an accident, come on I'm gonna help clean you up" He rambled, I only nodded my head holding my nose, we walked into the kitchen and he got the first aid kit. He started damping my nose and I winced everytime. "Oh Madie I'm sorry" He whispered kissing my cheek.

"Luke, it hurts" I cried, he swallowed and started shaking. He carried me to the car and we went to the doctors, it turns out my nose is broken. Luke's not spoken a word for at least 10 minutes and he has sadness in his eyes.

"Madie you know I'm really sorry don't you, I didn't mean to hit you at all.. Don't hate me" He cried, I had a lump in my throat, I rubbed his arm instantly calming him down.

"Lukey, I don't hate you at all. It was an accident I know that, but we need to stop being so competitive" I laughed, he laughed and nodded lightly kissing my lips careful not to touch my nose.

"I love you Madie" He whispered grabbing my hand.

"I love you too Luke" I smiled, I leant again the car door falling asleep on the way home.


Was it okay Madie? I hope you liked it :D x

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