I'm Sorry..

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Guys I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time. I'm just running out of ideas and I feel like shit lately. I feel so bad for letting you guys down :( i have imagines for you guys I need to write. I honestly feel so bad and I don't want you guys to hate me.. So many of you are messaging me to update and I just, it's hard, I have a week off school but lately I just haven't felt like updating.

I haven't updated this book in a long time, I'm so sorry for letting you guys down, thank you for reading this book and voting! I can't promise I'll update a lot but I will when I can. I know most of you hate me for not updating but thank you guys for reading my imagines! 241K reads!!

I never thought I would get this many thank you so much guys. I'll update a bit today but please be patient. Requests are closed to catch up:) and I'm so sorry if I haven't written your imagines yet but just bare with me I'll write them soon.

I love you guys thanks for the people being patient. And would you mind giving me some imagine ideas? God I'm such a shit writer -_- who the fuck asks for ideas... Thanks for the people that will help. Love you.

-Georgia xo

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now