You tell him you're pregnant

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You found out two weeks ago you were pregnant,  you wanted to tell Luke today but you were worried about the response you would get,  what if he doesn't want it what if he leaves all these thoughts were going through your mind.

An hour later Luke walked through the door,  you needed to tell him.

"Hey Babe" He smiled and gave you a hug

"Hey... I need to tell you something important "

"Okay..." He looked confused

"I'm uh..I'm p-pregnant"

He stood there for a few seconds before connecting your lips together he picked you up and span you around

"OMG thats amazing " He smiled

"Your not mad?" I smiled

"Of course I'm not I'm so happy!

You smiled and he kissed you.

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now