Imagine for LukeyPookey1996xx

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Sorry the imagines taken awhile for me to write I'm super sorry but I really hope you'll enjoy :)


Your pov:

I stood staring at the 5 pregnancy tests they were all positive, I started crying, Luke walked upstairs and looked in the sink. His face went pale and he stared at me, I looked really nervous and I started shaking.

"Y-you're pregnant" He stuttered, I slowly nodded my head, he looked like he was gonna be sick. "I-I'm leaving, I can't have a baby yet!" He whisper/shouted. Before I could say anything he ran out, I sat on the floor crying my eyes out. I phoned my best friend and told her what happened she said she'll always be here for me.

It's been about 3 months since I told Luke  I was pregnant, I've been doing well but I miss being at Luke's. I've been coping but it would be better with Luke, I decided to go to Luke's to finish getting a few things. I knocked on his door and he looked shocked when he opened it, he looked at my belly and smiled, he let me in and I walked upstairs, I grabbed a few things from our bedroom, I walked downstairs and he smiled a bit.

"Amber, I have something to show you" He whispered, he grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs,we walked into the door next to his bedroom, when we walked in I almost started crying. There was a cot, kids toys and it was painted. "Do you like the nursery?" He asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"I-I love it. But I thought you didn't want our daughter?" I whispered, he looked sad until I said daughter. He grinned and I smiled.

"W-we're having a little girl! OMG that's amazing! A-amber, I am so so sorry. Forgive me? I want our daughter" I thought about it and grinned, I nodded my head and he pulled me into a hug. "I love you Amber and I love you too baby" He kissed me and my baby bump. I smiled and kissed him again.

"I love you too Luke and our little daughter loves you too" I smiled, suddenly the baby started kicking and I put Luke's hand on my belly and his eyes sparkled as he felt her kick.

"I love you" He smiled, rubbing my baby bump. "I love you too Luke"


Hope you liked it Amber, sorry it's a bit late x

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