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You and Luke were suppose to be spending the day together but he ended up standing you up, you were sat at Starbucks for an hour and a half but there was no Luke,  you text him asking where he was but he never replied. 

You walked home with tears streaming down your face, as you got in your phone buzzed,  it was a text from Luke.

'We're through I don't want to be with you anymore' you didn't say anything you just threw your phone at the wall and walked upstairs and threw yourself on your bed instantly falling asleep,  as you woke up your phone buzzed you had 3 missed calls and 4 text messages all from the boys.

You opened Calums

'Hey Y/N just checking to see if your okay, Luke told us. I'm sorry about that hope your alright here if you need me.'

That made you smile, you decided to open Michaels

'Y/N I know what Luke did and I'm so annoyed with him I really hope your okay,  me and the boys are coming round later and uh.. Luke's coming with us  we aren't gonna make you two talk so don't worry '

That made you sad and happy

You opened Ashtons

'Heyyyy cheer up and be happy I know what Luke did was stupid but on the bright side you can be free and not said when we're on tour right? be over yours later byee '

That made you laugh

Lastly you hesitated to open Luke's but you did anyway

'Y/N I'm really sorry,  I shouldn't have broken up with you,  I don't know why I did but.. please give me another chance I am so sorry you don't have to forgive me or reply but... I love you so much and I'm so sorry,  I miss you :'( x

You finished reading his text and you didn't know if you should reply or not so you put your phone down and fell asleep again

You were woken up By a knock on the door you groaned and reluctantly got up and answered the door

"Hey Y/N you look like a wreck! " Calum laughed

"Thanks for telling me" You smiled

Everyone came in an hugged you,  you saw Luke slowly walk in with his head down low,  he wasn't the cheery Luke you knew, you lowered your head knowing you were going to cry.  Luke looked up and so did you,  you noticed his features.

His eyes were bloodshot,  his hair wasn't the way it usually was and his face was red and blotchy,  matching yours.

As soon as he looked at you, you both started crying.

The boys were watching you both as Luke took a deep breath and finally spoke

"Y/N... I am so sorry I'm such an idiot..I shouldnt have broken up with you..I don't know why I did..  I lost the best thing in my life.. I miss you so much.. I miss us. he let out a deep sigh and wiped the tears away

"I hate being without you, I hate being alone with No one to sleep with at night, I cry myself to sleep I am so sorry please forgive me.. I love you so much please forgive me.. He started sobbing

You sighed and walked up to him letting him hug you.

"I know your sorry Luke, I forgive you but I swear if you ever do that again you won't get a second chance.. " You sighed

"I promise I won't,  I love you"

"I love you too"You smiled  with that he kissed you and a chorus of awwhs and cheering surrounded you, you and Luke both turned to the boys and told them to shut up.

You looked up at Luke again and kissed him you happy to have your Luke back

"I love you so much Y/N"

"I love you too Luke" You smiled and kissed and then you all decided to watch Persuit of happiness.  You fell asleep half way through cuddled up to Luke:)


Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now