Imagine for prettyprincessluke

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Your pov:

Luke and I have been best friends since we were like 3, I moved away when I was 5 but I've transferred back to Australia, I decided to surprise him because I know he hasn't moved house. I asked my mum to drop me off at Luke's house and I knocked. Luke answered and as soon as he saw me his eyes sparkled.

"CHLOE OMG how have you been?! I haven't seen you in like 12 years, you haven't changed at all. Wait- why are you back here?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

"I'm really good Luke, I know, you haven't changed either. I guess I missed home and so my mum and I decided to transfer back here" I grinned, he smiled. What he did next was shocking. He kissed me! Once he pulled away he looked shocked.

"uh sorry Chloe, I-I shouldn't have done tha-" He started but I kissed him again, he grinned and I blushed.

Luke's pov:

Chloe's back! We started talking and then I kissed her. I pulled away and went wide eyed. I blushed and started stuttering. "uh sorry Chloe, I-I shouldn't have done tha-" I started but she kissed me, I pulled away and grinned. I just realized that I really like her.

"Chloe, we've been friends since we were 3, when you left when we were 5 I was really sad. I got upset at school all the time, you always sat next to me on the carpet and you left. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked, she blushed and nodded pulling me into a hug. I kissed her and decided to jump a next step.

"I know I might be rushing it a bit but.. I love you" I whispered. She smiled and bit her lip.

"I love you too" She grinned, I blushed and pulled her into a kiss, she went to pull away but I deepened the kiss, we smiled and pulled away. We decided to go inside and catch up on things that we missed out on in each others lives whilst cuddling.


There you go Chloe I really really hope you enjoyed. I really enjoyed writing it so enjoy x

Luke Hemmings Preferences+Imagines (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now