Part 2: Capture

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Ray began watching that building every night for any possibility of observing the gargoyle some more. But he also gathered his tools. He eventually told his team who he worked with that he had seen a gargoyle and had an interest in him.

"It would be something spectacular to work on and with a gargoyle." One of the women on the team spoke. She was a redhead with mid-length hair.

Ray waited and within a month, the red gargoyle was back on the building again. And within two weeks, he was back again. With the gargoyle coming back this often, they figured it was a matter of time and it would be a good thing to capture him and study him.

The group of scientists got tranquilizer darts ready and they would sit and wait there night after night, waiting for their target to show up. They had a van they planned to use to move him. They would take him to the lab first thing.


Brooklyn had started going to that building with the gargoyle statues ever since that night Ray had seen him. He was kept busy with more patrols lately so he was seen there a lot less. He went there to catch his breath and to get away from the clan and when he was ultimately bored of the castle.

Goliath had been told of his Second's odd behavior of sneaking out when duties were done lately and he had decided on a punishment of much more patrol time.

Brooklyn was resentful that his leader wouldn't let up on him. They had been out for nearly all night without so much as a food break for several nights. It was finally on the 8th night that Brooklyn managed to get away from the castle before Goliath could assign him more patrolling. He needed a break.

When Goliath saw that Brooklyn was gone, that angered him. He had Angela help him tonight instead. There had just been intense bad guys out lately, especially Quarrymen. He would get Brooklyn later with more duties.

Brooklyn flew to his new thinking place on the East side, the gargoyle building. He knew that the city had to deal with a lot of baddies, but why couldn't he have at least one night off in these last several nights? Tonight would be that night. He knew that Goliath would make him work even harder tomorrow to make up for it.

He went over to the edge and stood over near the edge. Little did he know he was being watched.

The human scientists had been waiting for him for many days and decided that they would get him as soon as possible.

Brooklyn leaned against a statue. "Man, why can't Goliath let up on me? There's only so much we can do during the night to stop those morons," he complained to himself. "I try my best and it's like nothing I do lately is good enough for him."

Angry tears came to his eyes just thinking about it. There were some cases that couldn't always be stopped and had to wait till another time. Especially if the ones who were trying to stop it were all exhausted from working that way.

The humans had heard the gargoyle's voice and knew now it was definitely a male. Now would be a good time to make their move, before he got ready to take off again.

Brooklyn was watching the street below when he suddenly heard what sounded like some footsteps behind him. He moved his ears to listen, glancing backwards. Just when he thought it was safe to be here. He turned around to face his enemies.

"Who are you? I know you're there. Come out and face me!" he demanded fiercely.

The humans weren't going to face him in a threatening manner. One of them got the signal and shot his dart gun silently.

Brooklyn didn't even see it coming. A dart suddenly hit him in the left shoulder. He yelped and pulled the dart out of his skin. This wasn't good. It could be a poison for all he knew, but more than likely drugs to make him sleep. He could feel the effects already starting to take effect.

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