Part 22: Getting Home

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When Brooklyn awoke again, he woke up to a snowstorm going on. Heavy snow was falling around him. His bag was covered at this point. He felt the chilly air. It was in the teens out. Still not cold enough to deter him. Visibility was slim at this point.

"I'm not going to let this stupid snow stop me from making it home tonight." Brooklyn told himself. He had to find that highway and follow it.

Brooklyn knew that snow was really water. He could eat snow for his water too. He took a handful of snow to his mouth. He had checked on his water and it was frozen now. Lot of good that was. At least there was the snow to get some liquid into his body. He also ate his last apple and he was on his way home again.

He searched carefully through the city and he followed it out of town. He was determined to get home, tonight. What he wouldn't give for his brother's cooking right now.


The clan and their friends and allies were still celebrating Christmas even without Brooklyn here to be with them.

There was a dinner prepared by Broadway and Angela. She sometimes helped him.

Broadway knew this holiday was going to be hard too without his eldest brother there. He made one of Brooklyn's favorite foods too: roast beef. Angela prepared some fruit salad and veggies. She was also making dessert. There would be some chocolate and carrot cake for dessert.

Everyone did their own thing until 8 pm. That was when guests were due to be there. Despite the snowstorm that was here in the city, it would mean there was a white Christmas.

Matt, Elisa's family, and the Labyrinth Clan came. The Xanatos' were there. Lex held baby Alex. And again, everyone didn't see Brooklyn there. Another holiday without him.

Malibu was still the biggest reminder of him, making the clan feel sad about Brooklyn. He looked like him, though being green with black hair instead of white hair and red skin, the beak, his voice. Everything.

After dinner and a togetherness thing, Angela would also plan to visit Demona tonight too. There was no reason why she shouldn't spend some time with her mother too. Demona deserved someone to care about her as well.

Dinner was soon ready and the food was on the table and the friends and family all got their plates and collected what they wanted before sitting down in their seats to enjoy the great Christmas dinner.

When everyone was sitting down, Goliath stood up and they all looked up at him.

"Everyone, I would just like to say that this is a fine dinner made up and looks good. We are to be grateful for what we do have and that is each other and a great home. Especially on a night like tonight. We still do miss Brooklyn, but we shouldn't let his absence ruin our night. We will miss him and wish he was here with us tonight. He will always be in our hearts." Goliath made this special toast.

"I think he would have liked that speech, Goliath," Elisa said from beside him.

The clan all raised their glasses and gently bumped them together in fellowship. They then enjoyed their food as much as they could. Brooklyn would be there in spirit with them. Though little did they know that he was closer than they thought.

Everyone was invited to stay the night so they didn't have to go out into that snowstorm if they felt like it. But a good many just wanted to get home after the dinner and presents. Brooklyn's presents were saved for him by putting them in his room, never knowing when he would return.


Brooklyn was really pushing himself to get home this night, snow or no snow. His hair was soaked to the skin from it being wet from the snow and the winds were not helping any. They were blowing pretty good at about 30 mph. Brooklyn was trying to use the up and down drafts the best he could. He had to flap his wings a lot too to keep himself aloft. He couldn't see a highway from up here, but he could see a snow line through the trees in the landscape below.

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