Part 46: Training and Patrol

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When the clan roared to life that evening, the one gargoyle that was to be watched was Elaine, to make sure that she came out of stone sleep for the first time.

The new she-goyle began to feel lightening of her body condition and she was wanting to wake up so bad. She began to move her body and could hear cracking on her. She began to growl, and her eyes lit up in rage to get out of her stone casing. She roared to life for the first time as a full-fledged gargess.

Brooklyn was already awake next to her. "Good to see that you came out of your stone skin alright." He complimented her.

"I know I was wanting out of it so bad." Elaine replied.

"That's pretty much the same with us. That's why we wake up as we do." Broadway stated.

Then they all stretched to make sure they wouldn't be stiff as they were after being in stone all day. Elaine saw the sky was turning purple on the horizon. This would be all she would see of daytime now. Light blue before sunrise and orange and purple sunset colors. No more sunlight except on tv. Perhaps there might come a time when she would need to be awake during the daytime again, but for now, she was going to stay a gargoyle. Being stone hadn't been that bad, but it was good to breathe again.

Being stone for the first time had also let her wake up feeling refreshed and stronger than she had ever been as a human. Perhaps there were advantages to being a gargoyle over a human after all.

Brooklyn and Elaine went to go check on Kaska. He was in his crib crying for his parents when they arrived. Brooklyn picked him up. "Don't worry, Kaska. Daddy's here." He still felt a little weird saying that, but it was true. He was a daddy.

Elaine smiled as she watched her mate to be put his son to his breast and he began to nurse him. It was odd that a male gargoyle was nursing a baby. But it was for the best. Kaska would be bottle fed the rest of the night.

After Kaska's feeding, he was burped and carried around the castle to get him out of the room. He was taken to the nursery so his parents could go do their sparring lesson together. Elaine would have to learn much before she would be allowed out on a patrol. Then she would have a gliding lesson. She was glad that she was doing this with Brooklyn. He smiled happily at her, but they couldn't let their feelings for one another interfere during their lessons.

After the sparring lesson, Elaine felt a little bruised up. "What happens with injuries sustained in battle or lessons?" she asked.

"The same with us. Stone sleep will heal them." Goliath said.

"No wonder you guys can seem to go on so much more than a human does."

"Precisely." Brook replied.

Then it was time for her gliding lesson. She wanted to see how Brooklyn could instruct her since Angela had done it last night.

"You just get to edge of the roof you want to jump off of and spread your wings and go for it. And there's jumping off too. But you sometimes have to test the wind too. Up here, the drafts are usually pretty strong enough to take you up, let you float on the wind." Brooklyn explained.

"Gliding always looked cool from a distance. It still seems a little scary." Elaine stated.

"It is at first. But when you get used to it, it's no big deal anymore." He said. Then he spread his wings and he let the wind take him into the air. "See? It's easy." He pulled himself up to show her.

Elaine spread her own wings and did likewise. "What about flapping them?"

"We only flap them when we have to keep ourselves in the air. If something disrupts our flight in some way. Don't worry. You'll get the hang of this."

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