Part 55

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By the next night came along, the Trio were now out of their medical beds and bringing their babies out to meet everybody. Their bellies were better but still sore from last night.

Lex and Brooklyn felt the most relieved now that their twins were not inside them anymore. They had lost a lot of weight and they definitely still looked pregnant, but there was no baby inside them. They would have to lose the weight.

Brooklyn knew that if Ray had kept them, this is what he would have wanted from him constantly; to keep on breeding him. Sure, he was glad to be a father, but he didn't want so many kids to overwhelm him. But then, Ray could have sold them too, as specimens or to other horrible humans. Brooklyn and the clan would never let their kids go that easily without a fight. The babies deserved to live in a loving clan and learn what it meant to truly be a gargoyle. Humans could only teach young gargoyles only so much about being their own kind.

The babies were all held as they were introduced to each other and to Kaska. The adults were pleased the kids seemed curious about the others. Eventually, it was time to feed them their first meals of the night. The clan would be kept busy for a while.

Dr. Sato and Rhea came by that night too to check on the Trio and their newborn babies.

Brook, Lex, and Broadway's bellies were examined and deemed fine. The babies were all weighed and measured. They were a little bigger than a human baby each.

Salvo was bigger than Krissy. Rianna was bigger than Flora, but smaller than Brook's kids and Broadway's son. Zephyr was bigger than all of them. It was just the genetics. Hopefully, they would all grow up as friends.

Kaska of course was bigger than them too, since he was a whole year older. He was starting to eat softer solid foods now but still was fed on milk from a bottle. Baby gargoyles grew up slower than human babies did.

All these babies had no trace of human DNA in them and yet, they were all pure gargoyles. Just that their fathers had been both parents in one body during the pregnancy. But the females in the males' lives were not going to let their mates down to be their mothers.

"Do the young ones move away when they come of age?" Elaine asked.

"No, they don't. They stay with the clan for life. Our clans are different than human families. We have stronger unity than humans do." Goliath explained. "Only if the clan is too large or there are unruly ones are they sent away. Right now, our clan is still too small."

"I understand." Elaine replied. "You guys are much closer to one another than how I've seen human families be. This really is a family."

Coldstone and Coldfire also saw all the babies and were glad the clan had some new life in it again. They just couldn't contribute a new baby in this state.

Goliath and Elisa were going to adopt a new baby girl soon. The leader didn't want Elisa taking any chances of danger of a pregnancy for her. There were lots of unwanted kids out there that needed homes. And they might adopt another one in a few years so this one could have a sibling too.


From now on, with all the new babies in the clan, the adults had to take turns looking after them and who would go patrolling.

All the babies learned how to nurse from bottles but only when their fathers were around did they get to nurse for the first few months before there was complete transfer to bottle formula that was made specifically for baby gargoyles.

In time, Demona came to the castle again to see what was going on with her old clan. She wanted to see Angela and she was one of them watching the kids that night while her mate was on patrol. Demona was shocked to see so many young gargoyles in the courtyard. She could see which ones looked like Brooklyn, Lex, and Broadway.

"None of them look like you, my dear." Demona pointed out.

"No, because the man, Ray that impregnated Brooklyn the first time did it to him and both his brothers this last time. Brooklyn has three kids. Two are twins. Lexington has twin girls. Broadway just has a son and I help raise him. But we raise them as a clan too." Angela explained.

"Who is this Ray?" Demona asked.

"He's dead now. Elisa said that he was found dead after an investigation. Someone killed him but the guys said they didn't do it." Angela stated. "I'll get my own child in the coming breeding season."

"That's great." Demona said. "Enjoy your children. Something that I didn't get to experience."

"You have me in your life now, Mother." Angela said.

"I know, and I'm grateful to know you. But I didn't get to see you grow up." The ancient female stated sadly.

"Things are what they are now, Mother. You're welcome to see these ones." Angela offered.

"What are their names?" Demona asked.

"Kaska is the oldest one." Angela said.

As Demona looked at the oldest child, she could see a resemblance to a gargoyle she once knew from her old clan over a thousand years ago. He had never had a name.

"Brooklyn's twins are Salvo and Krissy." Angela said. "Then the twin girls from Lexington are Flora and Rianna. Broadway's son is Zephyr."

"I can tell the resemblance to all of them." Demona declared. "They are all fine-looking young ones. How are you all raising them? Communally or with them going to know their biological parents?"

"Both actually." Angela replied.

"Well, both ways could work." Demona said.

"We all take turns watching over them every night. All their fathers are out to a movie tonight. Coldfire was helping me watch them. She had to do a quick errand for Fox."

"Does Xanatos and Fox help too? Does the detective?" Demona demanded.

"Yes, sometimes. I know that you don't like humans being around our offspring, but they have to have some humans in their lives, Mother. At least ones they can trust." Angela explained.

Demona knew that if she had any of these babies, she wouldn't allow humans to be anywhere near them. Even if she wanted a new baby of her own, she'd be better off adopting because, due to her daily changes back and forth of becoming human and gargoyle, she likely wouldn't be able to carry a pregnancy to term.

"Just don't let too many humans around them, Angela." Demona pointed out. "There could be dangerous ones that would want to hurt them too."

"I know. We have enough enemies as it is." Angela agreed.

Coldfire soon came back, and the three females watched and talked about the clan for a while. She and Demona were catching up as rookery sisters too.

When the males and Elaine came back, Demona knew she had to be gone. She left.

Angela and Coldfire explained that she had been there and helped them. A motherly side was seen with her around the little ones. If she had been given the chance to raise a child, she would have been a good mother of raising any and protecting them, especially from humans.

The rest of the clan were still skeptical of having her around their kids despite her changing with Angela's help. 

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