Part 40

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In his last month of pregnancy, Dr. Sato wanted Brooklyn to be off his feet as much as possible. He could still walk around to get to the couch, bed, table, or bathroom if needed. He had to remain on the bottom level no matter what though. Climbing the stairs was out of the question. Climbing walls for height was not a good idea either. Brooklyn could do it if he really had to, but he had to rest himself. His body was in the finishing touches, and he was considered a high-risk pregnancy. He always had been, but Sato was more concerned than ever.

The clan members would start coming down more, either by copter or gliding there themselves. Brooklyn had Elaine there to help him, but his clan was wanting to be more involved. The red gargoyle would be harder for Elaine to lift up if he fell over. His belly was taking a toll on him.

Brooklyn felt so humongous at this point. His son was heavy inside him. He could feel him shifting and putting weight on his internal organs. He could push into his other digestive organs, his ribs and diaphragm, and even onto his bladder. He didn't even really feel the need to have erections right now. His mind was thinking about how ready he was to just get the baby out of his belly.

Elaine tried to help Brooklyn out with bodily pains by giving him massages as much as she could. The pregnant male allowed it. It made him relax.

Brook figured he would be pregnant for nine months, but he was going on ten months. But then, there was an equivalent. Ten months was faster than ten years. He would take this speed to becoming a father sooner. He was still scared though. Was he going to be a good father?

The clan, Elisa, Xanatos', Owen, and Elaine all knew Brooklyn had a good heart and sensible soul. He would be a great father. Even though the baby boy would benefit the clan by making it grow by one, it was also sad too that it wasn't a girl. There needed to be some more females in the clan.


When Brooklyn went walking one night outside, he wanted to pick some flowers for the table inside. He wanted to give them to Elaine. He knew that most females loved getting flowers.

He went along smelling and carefully bending over to get flowers off the ground. He had to really bend his knees to get down to the ground. His stomach wasn't permitting much bending so easily, but he was managing to get flowers up off the ground. He did it slow so he wouldn't fall.

Brooklyn soon had enough to take them inside and he hid them behind his back. This reminded him of the wish vision he had had back just before he ran away, that he had wished Angela had had with him.

He found her in the living room watching a movie. "Hey, Elaine." He said gently.

Elaine turned to him. "Yes, Brooklyn?"

"I... I was outside getting some air and thought about getting these for you." Brook presented her the flowers.

Elaine was surprised alright. She got up. "Oh, Brooklyn, they're beautiful. Thank you." She took the flowers in her hands. She smelled their natural perfume. "I'll have to put them in a glass or vase." She stated. She went into the kitchen to find something. Brooklyn followed her.

This was what the red male had envisioned with a girl of his dreams for so long. Maybe Elaine was the one for him. She was human but female gargoyles were so little in number these days. A human might be his only chance for a mate. He wanted one so badly. Elaine supported him for what he was going through and what he was.

As Elaine looked through the cupboards, she didn't find a vase, so she had to settle for a big glass to put water in for the flowers. She knew that Brooklyn's eyes were on her. He did make her feel nervous sometimes, but in a good way.

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