Part 14

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Ray had been looking for Brooklyn for some time. He had been asking a lot of towns and cities if they had seen anything unusual lately. None of them had. He knew Brooklyn was obviously hiding from him.

By now, at over two months along in his pregnancy, if the gargoyle even knew he was pregnant at all that is, Brooklyn should be having symptoms. Or there could have been no symptoms. If he could recapture him, he would give him meds for those symptoms of the worst, but he first had to find him. Brooklyn was eluding him quite well. He also wanted to get a good look at the embryo.

"If I ever get him back, he's not going anywhere until I get the baby." Ray declared to his men.

"What if he makes it back to New York? More than likely he's heading there." A man said.

"I know. But that's why we have to find him before he gets there." Ray replied.

"Are we going back to Nevada when we find him?"

"Yes. He'll find that getting back to New York was futile." Ray said. "And there will be much more harder restrictions placed on him."


Brooklyn had gotten past the town of Aspen, Colorado. Then he had to stop for a day of stone sleep. He had been sleeping safely by a pine tree for the day. When he woke up that night, he had some food and water and knew his food resources were getting low again. It took a lot to satisfy him at times.

Despite still suffering from the nausea and dizziness at times, he was still trying to just push on as much as he could.

Brooklyn climbed the tree when he was done to first observe his surroundings, to see if it was safe to take off, and to just get going again. It was, and he had his bag on already. He launched off the tree branch and flapped his wings to get higher into the sky. There were some clouds in the sky.

He hoped to at least make it Denver tonight. He hoped to catch a train there. He planned to ride in a cargo train. He wouldn't mind if it got him to Kansas or Missouri. It would be closer to getting home. He just hoped that if someone found him on the train that it was a friend. He just had to take this chance because his wings often got exhausted from so much gliding.

When he made it to Leadville, he observed the high mountains that surrounded the town. But the varying degrees of colors from the lights interested him. Every town he came to was beautiful at night. He wondered how they looked during the day.

With his food and water resources low, Brooklyn knew that he needed to find a food store or gas station where he could get some food and drinks. He had also been taking headache medication to keep his dizziness at bay. He had to find a major grocery store to get some anti-nausea medicine too. He was tired of the nausea.

He found one in the middle of town. It was after 9 pm. Brooklyn decided it would be this place he would get his supplies from, but it would have to be after they closed up. He left his bag on that rooftop and he went to explore the town a bit. It was still early enough in the evening that folks were still out and about having fun.

There were bars, dancing halls, theaters, restaurants. The smells wafting from the food places made Brooklyn's stomach growl for food. What he wouldn't give to be able to go inside one of those places and get some takeout. Of course, there was always scrounging in the garbage too, but he didn't want to risk eating something that would make him sick with the way he got nauseated lately.

But it wasn't long before he encountered a bar fight when about five goons came banging outside with just one man who was trying to defend himself. That made Brooklyn growl. He hadn't fought for a while but he wasn't going to let that stop him from saving that poor man.

The gang of serious fighters were trying to get money off of the one they were trying to harm and he was just defending himself. He was flung into a wall. It winded the man. He looked up hard at his beaters.

"Now, will you give us the money?" the leader demanded.

"I don't owe you anything, pond-scum!" The young man declared in anger.

"Fine, so be it." One of them declared in reply and took a gun out of his jacket. Brooklyn saw that and knew he had to act fast.

The victim man gazed up at his attackers and he gasped when he thought he was going to be shot. "No! Don't!" he cried out in despair. He shut his eyes, but the shot never came.

Brooklyn let out a battle roar as he descended on the gang, eyes glowing.

The men gazed up in alarm and saw a red creature coming at them. He landed on a building next to them. "I wouldn't harm this man if I were you. If you do, I'll put a curse on each and every one of you! And nothing but bad things will happen to you all!" Brooklyn decreed, with it all being a playful lie.

"As you wish, oh Mighty Winged One." One of the men said in trying to bow down and not be a threat to the red being before them.

Two of the others backed up and ran off. Brooklyn began to move toward them but the one holding the gun held the gun up in fright. "Just stay away!"

Brooklyn began to make a lunge toward the gun but it was too late. There was a shot.

The victim ran off when his adversaries were distracted. Brooklyn had the gun in his hand and crushed it, showing the men that he wasn't to be messed with. His eyes were still glowing and he growled at the rest, who shivered in their spots. Then they ran off.

Brooklyn had crushed the gun but it hadn't come without a risk. There had been a splash of red blood going everywhere. He dropped the gun and looked down. There was a big, gaping wound in his right thigh. It was bleeding profusely.

He knew he needed to get some bandages, as he didn't have any. But the sight of the blood was wearing him down and he got dizzy.

From the back of the other end of a driveway, the victim man watched the devil creature battle those gang members and he heard the shot. He saw all the men run away. Then the creature fell to the ground.

Brooklyn had fallento the ground, in shock. He didn't notice a man coming back to his side.

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