Part 25: Finding out the Secret

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It was an anxious two days for Brooklyn. He really wanted answers as to why he was gaining weight and feeling this stirring in his stomach. This was really scaring him. He still remembered the dreams of some scary monsters tearing their way out of his belly.

Elisa told Brooklyn where to go for the appointment before that night.

When the night finally arrived, Brooklyn knew he would have to sneak out. As late as it was, the clan was all off doing their own thing. He made sure to grab a cloak from the castle's extra clothing area. As far as he knew, the clan would think he was in his room. He turned on his record player to make them think he was listening to music. It wasn't too loud. Then, he quietly snuck out of the castle. He jumped off the battlements, heading to Manhattan General.

Dr. Sato's office was on one of the middle floors and Brooklyn looked carefully for it. He made it on time. He saw the doctor at his desk, checking on some patient's file. He knocked on the window. Sato saw it was him and he went over to let him inside.

"Good evening, Brooklyn. What can I do for you that you needed to see me here?" Sato asked.

"I know you examined me when I got home and I'm feeling better now, Doc, but it's been over a month since I came home and there have been some strange happenings." Brook explained.

"Like what?"

"Doc, I'm gaining weight and I shouldn't be. I have really awkward mood swings. Food cravings for mixed-up foods. On my journey home, I had a lot of nausea and dizziness issues and had to get sleep just to get rid of it. I didn't gain weight then at all. But Ray had also operated on my belly at one point while I was with him too." Brooklyn explained. "I don't know what he did to me. And now, I also swear that I feel something moving inside of me." He put a hand to his stomach.

As Sato listened, he knew all that was really concerning. This stuff he had heard of before, but it was usually in women, at least some of it. Males could gain weight yes but feeling something moving inside him was not able to happen. Nausea and dizziness could happen to anyone. With it happening after a belly surgery was most concerning about it.

"All of that is concerning, Brooklyn. I would like to take a look at you. If you'll put the cloak on yourself, we'll go to an exam room." Sato instructed.

Brooklyn folded his wings and put the cloak on over himself to hide himself from the cameras. He instinctively wrapped his tail around one of his legs. The hooded part managed to cover his beak. Sato had turned the cameras off in his office.

Sato led him out of the office and to an exam room. There, Brook took the cloak off again. He kept his wings folded. Sato examined Brooklyn. He took his vitals to compare them to other ones from his sickened state over a month ago. He did it while in the chair, except for when he took his weight.

Brooklyn's weight as flesh was usually around 210 pounds, but tonight, there was a wrinkle. His weight had gone up! He was now at 221 pounds. Sato looked to make sure he wasn't imagining it. Brooklyn had gained alright!

His blood pressure was a little higher. This was concerning. It normally wasn't that high. His heartbeat was normal, and breathing was normal. His lungs had definitely cleared their infection. It was still cold outside now, with it being late January. When he was done taking the vitals but had one more thing to do, he said, "Brooklyn, from what I have compared your vitals to from your usual findings, things are way off with your body."

"What's wrong?" Brook asked in concern.

"Brooklyn, your blood pressure is a little high, and you have gained over ten extra pounds." Sato replied.

Brook's eyes widened. Why was he gaining weight like this? "Why am I gaining weight now at all? Well, I have been more than extra hungry too. But why am I feeling something inside me?"

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