Part 10

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Brooklyn was lucky that no humans came near the place where he had settled on to sleep during the day. He roared as he woke up and stretched. That always felt good. But now that he was awake, he was ready to move on again. He wasn't going to chance being found if he could help it.

He walked along the river for a ways to try to find a rock or tree that he could use to get back to the air. He had much more traveling to do. If he had been out of water, he might have looked to filling up his water bottles. He had six of them. But then, what if this river was polluted? He wouldn't be able to risk it. He would have to get fresh bottled water at a gas station or water fountain somewhere.

He soon found some rocks and he got on those and jumped onto them and took a leap and got to the air. The wind wasn't the strongest tonight and he had to flap his wings a few times to give himself more lift into the air. The higher he got, there were some warmer updrafts up there.

Brooklyn looked down. The landscape was beautiful if more boring-like. Deserts were not his thing. He just wanted to get home. He went to go follow the highway I-80 again. He wondered where it would lead him. Sticking to this highway was the best thing that he could do for right now until he found another road that was still helping him to go east.

He flew for well over an hour and a half and he soon came to West Wendover. Brooklyn was feeling famished by now and was ready for some breakfast. His wings were tired as it was and needed a break from gliding. He swore he was going to burn more calories gliding than doing anything else in his life.

West Wendover was smaller than Elko and he pulled the map out of the bag. As Brooklyn saw, he had now crossed over the Nevada-Utah border. Well, he was out of the state where he had been kidnapped to. Having wings was a big advantage to walking home. That kind of journey would take probably a few years to get him home if his wings didn't work or were injured or broken. Stone sleep would heal them, but a broken arm in the wing could be permanently disabled if not set properly.

Brooklyn really hoped that he wouldn't get a broken wing while on his journey home. He wasn't going to stick around this tiny town too long. He was just going to stick around long enough to eat and drink and find a place to fill his water bottles up or get new ones. But he was going to rest his wings for a while.

It seemed to be late enough at night for him to go to a gas station and use the bathroom to refill his water bottles. He knew he couldn't just walk inside and buy some. He had seen some interesting sites while looking around the town. It was big enough to give tourism. He went looking for a gas station that seemed to be closed at this late hour and he broke into a bathroom that was on the backside of the building to fill his water bottles. He had enough food for now.

After Brooklyn's needs were met with nutrition and refilled supplies, he put his bag on again and climbed up the building to take to the air. His wings were rested once again to give gliding a new go ahead.

The town sure was beautiful at night too, like the last one. On his way out of town, he happened to glide over a giant cowboy display. "Whoa, I should go back and look at that." He said. He turned around and went to go look at it. He landed in front of it.

Brooklyn liked western movies back home. Ray had never let him watch TV at all, that's why he did take shortcut breaks at times to just take in sites too. He was so glad to be free of that boring facility. He didn't know what Ray's real mission was for him to do, other than just be an experiment to study. He was not a lab experiment. Gargoyles had to be free, to stretch their wings and touch the sky! To be protectors of the innocent.

He caped his wings and made sure to keep low as he viewed the cowboy site.

"Hm, Wendover Will. I might need to look this up when I get home. Seems interesting. Never been in a western movie, but I know I like what I see." Brooklyn smiled. "Interesting."

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