Part 8: The Escape

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Two weeks later, Ray wanted Brooklyn to have an ultrasound to see if his project had succeeded.

Brooklyn had been eating and drinking like normal and nothing further had developed with his stomach so far when he downed something. He was perplexed when the men came in demanding that he come with them to the exam room.

He gave it his all to avoid being cuffed but the men won out. His hands were cuffed behind him as he was escorted to the dreadful room. Brooklyn's breathing sped up. What did they want?

Brooklyn tried his hardest to resist of not getting on the table at all. "NO! Let me go!" he yelled.

His arms, legs, and tail were strapped down in the end. He was on a different kind of table this time, one where he was more of sitting up rather than laying down. His hands were behind the table for safety reasons.

When Ray stepped forward, Brooklyn demanded, "What are you going to do? What do you want with me?"

"Just a little exam to see how a little something went." Ray replied. He came over to the trembling gargoyle and Brooklyn clenched his stomach when the man began undoing his belt. "Get off me!" he snarled, squirming.

Ray got his belt undone and he pulled the loincloth down just a tad, not revealing anything further. Brooklyn concluded that he wanted access to the lowest portion of his belly. But why?

Then another man wheeled over a large machine with a computer and keyboard. What was that?

"What are you going to do?" Brooklyn asked nervously.

"Your exam now." Ray said in reply. He picked up a tube and he began to put the gel onto Brooklyn's stomach. It made him flinch. The gel was warm, but the feel of it felt weird. His breathing was still fast.

"Don't, please." Brook pleaded.

"Oh, this isn't going to hurt but it may feel weird." Ray stated. He then picked up the wand and put it over the gel-covered belly.

Brooklyn instantly clenched his stomach at the feeling. "If it's the wound you're looking for inside me, it's gone." He snapped.

"No. That's not it at all." Ray replied. He was scanning carefully on the computer and not showing Brooklyn. He saw the AW (artificial womb). It was in place and looking inside it, was a small, teeny, little blob. There was a little dot inside it. Ray smiled. This was special indeed.

Ray then picked up a needle syringe. That was when Brooklyn really froze up. "What are you going to do?" he asked nervously.

"Get some fluid from inside you, of course."

Ray pinpointed where he was going to get it from and Brooklyn instantly tried to stop him from poking his belly. "NO! Don't!" Brook yelled.

The needle was eventually poked through the skin in Brooklyn's stomach and some fluid was withdrawn. Brook had winced in pain, feeling the needle going deep into his insides. But for what?

Ray now had a helpful bout of fluid. He knew that Brooklyn was pregnant, but just in the early stages. It would be a while yet before he would figure it out. He slowly withdrew the needle.

After that, his belly was cleaned off and he was taken back to his cell. Brooklyn rubbed his belly. First, it had been the surgery on his belly and now an ultrasound. He wasn't familiar with all that ultrasounds did. Lex might know, or the Xanatos'.

But why had Ray done that and what for? If he was going to be doing that on a regular basis, Brooklyn knew he needed to get out of here.


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