Part 39

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After a week of being up there, David, Fox, and Alex were going to head home. The clan was going to head back with them. Brooklyn, Hudson, and Elaine would stay behind.

The next time, Dr. Sato planned to come and see Brooklyn and his child. It would be a couple weeks yet. Brook was estimated to be at his 30th week by now.

He and Elaine were doing their reading on what to expect in these last weeks of the pregnancy. Everything so far had been good in the pregnancy. Not too much had happened that was stressful involving what was happening to the baby, or what he was doing to his father.

The baby moving about inside Brooklyn was normal as far as live babies went. But there were always going to be some concerns because this wasn't a normal pregnancy. It had been more concerns on who would be trying to capture Brooklyn for their own gain to want to have his baby for their experiments more than anything else. Or what Brooklyn would go through to have his son. He wasn't going to give up his son without a fight.


Two weeks passed. At thirty-two weeks along, Dr. Sato paid Brooklyn a visit when David brought him up here, along with a visit from his clan.

Elaine was with Brooklyn in his room while Sato ran the wand over his extremely swollen belly to see how the baby was doing now.

"Is he looking ready to be born anytime soon, Doc?" Brooklyn asked. He was restless.

"His lungs are getting there, Brooklyn, but he's not ready for life outside of the womb yet. It's still a little early." Sato replied.

"Oh, I'm ready for him to come now." Brook complained.

"I know you are, but just a couple more months." Sato decreed.

"It seems like so long to have to wait for him to come." Elaine stated.

"Yes, but it will be worth it when he's finally in your arms. We all know how time flies." Sato said.

"Usually yes. But right now, it still seems like a long way off yet." Brooklyn griped.

"You're doing fine, Brooklyn. You've been doing great in this pregnancy, considering your body isn't meant to carry a baby." Sato complimented him.


A new sonogram was printed off to show the others. They were all impressed with how the baby boy looked in the picture. There was also a well-developed picture of him too, on a brown screen.

The image of the fetus was seen more clearly, and it showed that the fetus looked mostly like Brooklyn, but his horns looked a bit different. There must have been something in Brooklyn's heritage that was causing the horns to look different, but other than the horns, everything else looked the same. But skin color wouldn't be known until birth.

Back at the castle, there would be a surprise for Brooklyn when he returned; there was a nursery in his room. A crib had been set up and there was a rocking chair, baby books, lullaby tapes, a playpen, and a special couch all in his room to sit on for him to care for his baby. Diapers weren't going to be an issue. The baby would be fed formula. There were still Alex's baby bottles they could use.

Elaine couldn't help but wonder if Brooklyn would be able to breastfeed, but this wasn't a normal pregnancy. His chest hadn't really changed at all during the pregnancy. He did have to take some hormonal supplements to help support the pregnancy too.

She had to ask him when they were alone while outside walking. "Brooklyn, I know you're a male and all, but do feel like you want to be able to breastfeed your son?"

Brooklyn stopped and looked at her in question. "I... I don't know if it's possible. I don't exactly have what females have, Elaine. I just thought I would have to feed him formula after he's born."

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