Part 51: Getting Home

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That night, the Trio woke from their stone sleep in the toolshed and for a moment wondered why they were in such tight quarters with one another. Then they remembered why. They had been in hiding from Ray and his men.

"How are you feeling, Broadway?" Brooklyn asked his blue-green brother.

"I feel a lot better, if tired." Broadway replied. He took the bandage on his lower belly off. There was no injury there anymore.

"Now we can go home." Lex smiled.

"Yes, we can, Lex. But we have to be careful that those men don't find us." Brook declared.

The Trio slowly opened the door to the shed and made sure no one was around and with nothing around, they quickly took to the air. It didn't take long for their stomachs to start growling since they hadn't eaten in a few days. Lex had had a good chance, but he had blown it off to free himself and his brothers.

"I'm hungry." Broadway said.

"Hm, you're not the only one." Brooklyn agreed. He gave his belly a rub.

"I almost had a chance for food, but I blew it when I wasn't going to waste the chance to get us out of there, guys." Lex explained.

"It's alright, Lex. You did good. Thanks for getting us out of there. We'll eat when we get home." Brooklyn smiled.

"I'm just glad to be out of there too." Broadway said.

"Me too." Lex agreed. "Who knows what they would do with our babies. And the others are going to be worried about us."

"Yeah. We just have to find out where we are. I'm sure we're still here in New York." Brooklyn declared. "But which part of it?"

They looked around and saw some sights that looked familiar finally. It was better to glide home tonight since Brooklyn didn't have to help Broadway glide. When it became apparent where they were, they found that they had been in the section of Staten Island. They sure had been brought a good distance from Manhattan, but the water to get across was no problem for them.

They stopped to rest for several minutes to rest their wings before they would finish making their way home. Now was also a good time to talk if they wished.

"Uh, Brooklyn?" Lex said.


"What are we going to tell the clan when we get back?" Lex asked.

"We tell them the truth. We were all taken by Ray this time and he did the same thing to you what he did to me." Brooklyn explained. It might be a reluctance to reveal it, but it needed to be done.

Brooklyn would be so glad to see Elaine and Kaska again. Broadway would be thrilled to see Angela too. Lex had nobody but Alex. The more he thought about it, he wanted to have his own child, despite how it was given to him. But there was still a long time to wait.

Brooklyn was still unsure of wanting a second child right now. He still had his son to keep him busy. What would Elaine want him to do? But it would fall on his shoulders. He also felt responsible for getting his two brothers impregnated for Ray's obsession with him. The same madman had gotten him pregnant again!

Broadway wondered what Angela would think of him carrying his first child. All three of them were going to be helping rebuild the clan lately. That is if they decided to go through the pregnancies.

"We are all going to have to make some serious decisions when we get home, guys. We know that Ray got us all pregnant this time. But do we want to go through with this?" Brooklyn proclaimed.

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