Chapter 21

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"I'm gonna die!" I groaned and sat down on a chair in the meeting room.

I'm exhausted and we've been rehearsing for three straight hours. We got the first slot which like the dead slot and we have to be amazing for this Nationals thing.

I put my head down and turned my face up again and see Sam and Puck are fighting towards each other as the others guys are trying to stop them.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Sugar yelled as Sam and Puck are fighting and the other guys are trying to stop them.

"Hey, cool out!" Mr. Schue yelled and stopped them.

"He's studying for geography while we're trying to rehearsal! It's bogus!" Sam yelled.

"Cause I already know the dance! You dance like you got your feet caught in bear traps you're trying to gnaw them off." Puck yelled at Sam.

I sighed and shook my head then sit down on a chair. We've been rehearsing for three hours straight and I'm exhausted actually.

"Mr. Schue, are you aware that while we're arguing about jazz squares, Unique is being handed the key to the city by Rahm Emanuel?" Kurt said to Mr. Schue.

"Really?" Mr. Schue frowned.

"And plus my pillow and my blanket fell into the pool. Disaster." Brittany said to us.

"Look, I think everybody just a little tired. We've been rehearsing for three straight hours." Artie said to us.

"Yeah, and we'll rehearse all night if we have to. We can rest after we've won!" Finn said to us.

"Just because we've lost Mercedes doesn't mean we can be anything less than perfect! Perfect!" Rachel yelled.

"That's easy for you to say!" Artie mocked her.

"Okay, you know what? You know what? Hey!" Santana stopped them. "I don't want to hear any of this, we can't do it without her, because guess what? We don't have a choice. So be warned, if you are not giving this everything you've got, I will go all Lima Heights on your sorry asses." Santana glared at us.

"Listen to yourself." Mr. Schue simply said.

"I know. I'm sorry, I always go to the yelling place. I have rage." Santana said to us.

"No, it's a good thing. A great thing. There is so much passion in this room. Even all your arguing it's about the work. You guys really want this. Okay, so let's take a half-hour break, and we'll run it from the top." Mr. Schue said to us.

"Mr. Schue is it okay if we keep going? We got the first slot which is like the death slot. We have to be amazing." Tina said to him.

"Yeah, Edge of Glory is a bitch. I said I'd be dancing by nationals, I'll be damned if I don't." Quinn nodded.

"Okay, then let's keep going. Mike, help the guys with the choreography. Artie, help Puck with his geography. Ladies, Edge of Glory, come on. Brittany, run us through it." Mr. Schue said to us.

"From the chorus?" Brittany asked and walked to us.

"Yeah, from the chorus." Mr. Schue nodded.

I got up from my seat and stood up then started doing the choreography following Brittany and the other girls.


I sat down on the chair in the meeting room. We have finished rehearsal and I guess that everyone is hungry and Mr. Schue had left to sleep.

"Shall we go out and maybe get some tacos?" Tina asked us.

"No need to. Just wait about fifteen minutes." I simply answered and looked at my phone.

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