Chapter 16

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*Bianca's POV*

I'm sitting down on a table in the Breadstix and look around. I sigh and take a look at my watch and shake my head. I guess Sam blew me off. I've been waiting here for two hours but I don't see him around.

I get up from my seat and put some cash on the table then take my purse and walk out from Breadstix. I will never ever eat at this place again. This is just suck.

I get into my car and start driving away from Breadstix. If Sam just only want to play with my heart then he better watch out. Because I don't like it and I won't accept it.

I keep driving and pull over the car into my house. I walk out from the car and walk to the door and get in quickly. I'm really upset because Sam blew me off.

"Hey, that was fast." Mother says to me.

"Sam blew me off. I waited for two hours but he didn't show up." I sigh and sit down on the couch.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry." Mother half smiled at me and rubs my hair.

"Maybe he was just playing along with me." I sigh and hug her.

"Well, you shouldn't let anyone play with your heart." Mother says and hugs me back.

I nod and frown as I heard guys shouting from upstairs. "What is that?" I frown as I pulled her away slowly.

"Oh your dad and Blaine are playing FIFA on Wii with Tanner too." She smiles at me.

"Tanner is here?"

"Yeah, you don't see his car outside?"

"I didn't realize that maybe because I was so upset." I half smiled.

"It's okay, just go talk to him. He's been waiting for you since an hour ago then joined your dad and Blaine playing games." She smiles at me.

"Okay, mom." I smile back at her and walk upstairs. "Hey.." I smile watching dad, Blaine, and Tanner are playing video games seriously.

"Hey, B. Hold on for a sec." Tanner smiles back at me and turns his face to the TV screen.

"Okay I will be in my room." I said to him and walk to my bedroom.

I open the door and let out a sigh sitting down on the couch next to the window while looking at the night sky. Beautiful night sky but bad night feeling.


"Come on in." I turn my face at Tanner.

"I lost fifty bucks to your dad. He is so advance playing that video games." Tanner chuckles and sits down across me.

"Daddy is the master of that game. Neither of my two brothers can win from him except they cheated." I chuckle.

"Where have you been?"

"I went out.." I said to him.

"On a date?" Tanner frowns at me.

"Is it a date if only one person that actually showed up?" I giggle.

"He blew you off? Well, want me to come to him?" Tanner asks me.

"No, no. It's fine." I shake my head.

"But I promised you that I will always be your guardian angel." Tanner smiles at me.

"When did you say that?" I chuckle.

"Third grade when you fell off of the stairs because Kathy straddle your legs and you cried but the whole school laughed at you..."

"And you took me on your back and brought me to the nurse office while I was crying like a baby." I laugh and shake my head.

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