Chapter 18

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I walk down in the hallways and turn my way at Sam. "Your jacket. Clean, fresh, and ironed." I smile at him. "I washed it by myself." I giggle.

"Since when you can wash clothes?" Sam chuckles.

"Well, I can." I giggle. Suddenly my phone is vibrating. I take my phone from my pocket and read the text. "I have to go." I said to him and run away from the hallways and run to that parking lot.

I get into my car quickly and start the engine. I just got a news that Jessica was attempting suicide and now she is in the hospital and I hope she is okay.

I keep driving and pulled over to the hospital. I walk out from the car and run into the hospital. I look around and walk to the ER. I look at from the small window and I see Jessica is laying down there.

I open the door and walk in. I'm glad that she is still having her baby bump. I rub her head slowly as having my tears falling down from my eyes. No matter what she is my best friend.

Jessica suddenly awakes and turns her face at me and pushes my hand away quickly. "What are you doing here traitor? Get out!" She yells.

"I'm worried about you." I said to her.

"Yeah I know you wish I was dead right?!" She keeps yelling.

"No, I swear. I'm worried about you. I should've told you when Tanner asked me out." I half smiled at her.

"Just get out! What do you want to steal from me anymore? First my reputation, then, being popular and now you stole my boyfriend! I don't want to see you anymore, Bianca! Get out!" Jessica yells.

"What's going on?" Her parents come in. "You! You haven't done ruined her life?" Her mom yells at me.

"I swear I didn't do anything!" I frown at them.

"Just leave. We don't want you here!" She pushes me away until I fall down to the ground.

"I just want to make sure if she is okay." I cry and get up slowly.

Her father open the door and pointing to the outside. I slowly walk out from the door and have my head down. "Rich girl never know how to behave." Her father simply said before slamming the door.

I close my eyes slightly and take a deep breath. I turn my face down and walk away from the room. I don't know what I've done. Yeah I admit that I was wrong for dating Tanner without telling her first. Maybe I shouldn't have date Tanner at all.

I sigh and take my phone and text Tanner. I walk out from the hospital and wipes my tears away then get into my car. I look at to the mirror and make sure that my face looks fine.

After that I start the engine of my car and start driving away from the hospital. My phone keeps vibrating but I ignored it as I keep driving.

I pull my car to Tanner's house. I take my phone and my bag from my car and walk to the front door and press the bell and waiting for someone to open the door.

"Bianca? Hey." Mrs. Collins smiles at me after open the door.

"Hey, Mrs. Collins. Is Tanner home?" I smile back at her.

"Oh yeah he is upstairs in his bedroom. Just come in." She smiles at me and let me in.

"Thank you, Mrs. Collins." I smile and walk in then walks upstairs to Tanner's bedroom.

I knock on the door and shout. "It's me!" I shout.

"Just come in." Tanner shouts back.

I open the door and come into his bedroom and see him walking out from the bathroom and having a towel around his hips.

The Evans Brothers (GLEE & Sam Evans Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now