Chapter 38

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"Honey, you don't want to go to school?" Mom frowned at me and walked into my bedroom.

"Mom, I'm having menstrual cramps. It really hurts." I answered and pulled the blanket all over my body.

"Alright, you can skip school today. I'll get you hot towel." Mom said to me and walked away.

I let out a sigh and get up from my bed. I walked to my bathroom to take a pee. I pulled down my panties and sat down on the closet until I frowned. Wait, there's no blood mark on my panties? How can I have menstrual cramps?

I flushed the closet and pulled my panties back and walked back to my bedroom. I checked out my phone and logged through the apps where I usually marked my period dates. I gasped and shook my head when I saw this. It says that I have been a week late. I never been late before. My cycle was always on time.

"Here, I got you a hot towel to reduce the cramps." Mom smiled at me and sat down on my bed. "Lift up your shirt a bit." Mom said to me and lift up my shirt a bit. "You're getting fatter." Mom chuckled.

"I always have big lunch at school now." I giggled.

"But you need to eat healthy food." Mom smiled at me. "Alright, I'll be downstairs if you need anything." Mom smiled and stood up.

"Mom.." I called her.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Mom turned her face at me.

"Did you feel anything when you touch my belly?"

"No, I uh I didn't." Mom shook her head. "What's going on?" Mom frowned at me.

"I'm scared." I answered and started to cry. "I'm not in period. I'm a week late and now I feel fat and I have cramps. I'm scared. I'm scared if I'm pregnant."

Mom grabbed my body and hugged me tightly. "I'm here. Don't be scared. I'm right here. We don't know until we found out. Maybe it's your appendix again." Mom said to me and wiped my tears away.

"What if it's not?"

"We'll figure something out later but right now, I'm here. I'm not going to tell anyone else until we find out the truth okay." Mom said to me and held my hand.

"B?" Blaine knocked on my door and opened the door. "Hey, the driver is waiting downstairs."

"Bianca is not feeling good. She said that she has period cramps so she will skip school. I will call the school later." Mom said to Blaine and stood up. "I'll be right back okay." Mom said to me and walked out of my room followed by Blaine.

I'm just sitting down on my bed and hugging my legs. I don't know what is going to happen now. I'm hopeless. Really hopeless. I just want the best for everything. That's all.

Mom walked back in and closed my bedroom door. "Here. Take this." Mom gave me a pregnancy stick test.

"I'm scared." I shook my head.

"Honey, we won't know until we try. I'm right here. Whatever the result says, I'll always be here and we'll get through this together." Mom said to me and rubbed my cheek.

I let out a sigh and wiped my tears away. I took that pregnancy stick and walked to my bathroom. I closed the door and pulled down my panties then peed on that stick. After that I sat down in the closet and waited for the result to come out.

2 minutes passed and I looked at to the stick. It's two lines. I can't help it but crying out loud on the ground. Mom rushed in and hugged me tightly. I can see her face in disappointment. Even though she tried to calm me down but I know that we are crying together.

"We-we go to see the doctor okay." Mom said to me and rubbed my back.

"I'm not ready for this." I said to her and cried.

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