Chapter 39

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"Hey, are you okay?" Blaine asked me as I opened my eyes slowly.

"Yes, just got a little headache." I nodded and sat up slowly. "How can I be in my bedroom?"

"I brought you home.".Blaine answered. "I told the others that you are exhausted from all the rehearsal, that's why you fainted."

"Where is Sam?"

"He said that he got a part-time job. He was here and had a talk with dad for a while then he left because he was almost late for his job." Blaine said to me.

"Honey?" Dad walked in. "Do you want anything?" Dad smiled at me and sat down on my bed.

"Did you confront Sam?" I frowned at him.

"No, I didn't. I just asked him about this pregnancy thing like do his parents knew or not and then what is he planning for his future. I offered him to handle the restaurant in Columbus but he said no, he said that he has no experience and he wants to make it on his own so..." Dad half-smiled at me.

I sighed and take his hand. "I'm sorry, daddy."

"Are you and Sam dating?" Dad asked me.

"No. I'm not dating anybody. Neither Sam nor Tanner." I shook my head.

"Alright, well I guess Blaine will help me then." Dad grinned at Blaine.

"Yeah of course. Besides, to have a wedding you'll need a lot of money." Blaine laughed softly.

"What wedding?" I frowned at Blaine.

"So Kurt and I are back together officially and I want to ask him to marry me." Blaine grinned at me.

"Like a proposal thing?" I frowned at him.

"Exactly!" Blaine nodded. "We are not going to get married now unlike you and Tanner. I just want to show him that I love him and I'm committed to him." Blaine said to me.

"I don't even know if Tanner still wants to be my husband soon after I got knocked up by other dudes." I looked down.

"We'll think about that later. Now, just focus on your future and yourself and also this unborn baby." Dad rubbed my head and stood up then walked out of my bedroom.

"I thought he was going to punch Sam in the face. I mean, I'd do if I was him." Blaine chuckled.

"Dad isn't a violent person." I chuckled and got up slowly. "I want to go downstairs."

"You can do that by yourself?"

"Yes." I nodded and walked out of my bedroom. "Ah, fresh air!" I smiled and walked downstairs slowly. I turned my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I saw a big bowl of salad there and grabbed it. "Oh, food!" I giggled. I sat down on the stools in front of the counter and eat it. I've been so hungry.

"Yeah... I mean I can do that..."

I turned my face as dad walked into the kitchen with Tanner. I looked at them and giggled. "I'm hungry." I giggled.

"It's okay. You can eat as much as you want. Besides, it's good when you can eat and not have morning sickness." Dad chuckled. "I'm going to have a meeting with Tanner upstairs then." Dad smiled at me and grabbed some bottles of drinks then walked away.

"I'll talk to you later okay?" Tanner smiled at me and walked followed by Dad.

I turned my face to my food and let out a sigh. I guess that after this baby is born, I will marry Tanner. Dad and Tanner are like father and son. He considered Tanner like his own son. Not only Tanner is a good guy but he is really good. No matter what happens to me, he will always love me. Maybe that's what dad sees from him. He wants that guy to take care of me when he can't do that anymore.

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