Chapter 9

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*Evan's POV*

I walk into my bedroom and frown as I see Sam is there sitting down on his bed and looking at his phone. It's Friday night, shouldn't he go out on a date with Bianca?

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you go out in a date with Bianca in Colour Me Mine?" I frown at him.

"Well, I blew her off. I said I can't go on a date with her." Sam simply said.

"Why?" I frown.

"She is clearly still in love with you, don't you see that?" Sam turns his face at me. "I can't go out on a date with someone who still have hearts for someone else."

"But I'm not someone else." I said to him.

"I know. But it will be like her body was with me but her mind and her love is for someone else." Sam shakes his head.

"I can't believe you did that." I frown at him.

"Look, imagine being in my position. I did that with a reason why." Sam simply said and walk out from our bedroom.

I don't know what to do. I still in love with Bianca sure. But I'm not sure I make her as happy as Sam did. She looks so bright when she is with Sam. And she even asked me is it okay going out with him and I said yes.

I let out a sigh and lay down on my bed. Shall I go back together with Bianca? But Bethany and I kind of thing now and I can't dump her just like that. It's not fair for her.


*Bianca's POV*

I'm sitting down on the couch next to my window and looking at the rain that fall down from the sky. I suppose to go on a date with Sam tonight but he blew me off and here I am alone with Rocky just watching the rain.

I frown when I see a car get into my house yard. None in my house owns that car beside dad went to New Jersey, my mom and Cooper are in Los Angeles and Blaine went out on a date with Kurt.

I frown and still watching that car. Until it pulled over my front door. The car door is opening and I see a blonde tall guy is holding a bouquet of flowers. Sam?

I get up from my seat quickly then walk out from my bedroom. I run downstairs and when one of my housemaid try to open the door I give her sign that I will do it.

I fix my hair and my clothes then slowly open the door as Sam is standing there and smiles at me. "Hi.."  He smiles at me.

"Hi.." I smile back at him.

"I have lilies for you. I have popcorn, crispy creme doughnuts, and some movies you can pick." Sam smiles at me and hands me the lilies.

"Thank you so much." I smile back at him. "Well, come on in." I let him in and close the door behind.

"Seems so empty." Sam says to me and look around.

"Well, my dad went to New Jersey for checking out the new restaurant, my mom and my big brother in Los Angeles, Blaine went out on a date with Kurt." I said to him and walk upstairs.

"So you're home alone? In this huge house?" Sam frowns at me.

"Not really. The housemaids are in the housemaid quarter." I said to him and open my bedroom door.

I walk to the bar in family room and take two bottles of cokes then walks to my bedroom as Sam is standing there and look around.

"What's wrong?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"You sleep in a bedroom which twice bigger than mine." Sam chuckles.

"That's too much, Sam. Have a seat." I giggle and sit down on my bed.

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