Chapter 15

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I walk in the hallways and look around. Where is Sam? I need to talk to him. I haven't talk to Evan since that night but I want to clarify things first with Sam.

"Hey..." I walk to Sam as he is standing in front of his locker.

"What's up? Oh want some chapstick?" Sam turns his face at me and shows me his chapstick.

"No, it's not cool to share chapstick you know because it will be like we are technically kissing." I giggle.

"Okay so what's up?" Sam raises his eyebrows.

"I want to give you this." I smile at him and hand him the Valentine's Day gift card.

"Valentine's Day like a week ago." Sam chuckles.

"I knew you were the one who told Evan about all of those romantic stuff. The song, flowers, book, and pillow. I don't even remember if Evan knows all those my favorite stuff." I giggle.

"You spilled the tea in Glee club that you love lilies. And The Velveteen Rabbit, you said that you curious about that book since you watched FRIENDS and the pillow, I remember you told me that you used to have a star pillow that you always took when you want to sleep but your mom threw it away so the pillow is new replacement." Sam smiles at me.

"I didn't know you remember all of those." I smile back at him.

"Well, when you're in love with someone you tend to know everything about her." Sam chuckles and turns his face to his locker.

"You're in love with me?"

"Did I say that out loud?" Sam turns his face at me.

I look at him and lean in and kisses him while cupping his cheek. Sam just kisses me back until we pull away.

"I'm so sorry. I should probably go." I said to him and turn around.

I walk away from his locker and turn around at him a bit. He is still standing there then shut his locker and walk away. I half smiled and keep walking in the hallways. I cheat.

I turn my way to the choir room and get in. I sit down on a chair. Evan walks in and I just can turn my face away and look down. This is not happening. I shouldn't be the one who cheated on him with kissing his brother.

"Where is Finn? We got some problem!" Kurt and Rachel run into the choir room.

"What happened this time?" Mercedes asks them.

"Sebastian is threatening us again. He wants Rachel to drop out or he will post this." Kurt says to us and revealing a naked picture of Finn.

"Ew." I frown.

"That is Photoshop okay not real." Rachel simply said and sit down.

"That's it, I'm done. I'm leaving this classroom. I'm going to beat that Sebastian kid's ass!" Finn says angrily and about to walk out from the choir room.

"Finn, chill!" Mr. Schue stops him.

"No, I'm not going to chill. I'm done chilling!" Finn yells.

"The official show choir rule book states that "any real or perceived threat of violence, vandalism or humiliation will be met with a swift and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's team with extreme prejudice" it's right here. Page 72, by-laws 15, section six, article 44." Artie says to us.

"Guys I contacted the headmaster of Dalton." Mr. Schue says to us.

"Look, none of this matters now anyways, okay? We're not going to let him beat us like this. I'm going to perform at Regionals." Rachel says to us.

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