Chapter 40

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Sam's POV

"Somebody help!!!"

I stood up from my seat quickly as Tina screamed out loud. We rushed into the house and saw Bianca fainted on the ground. It seemed like she fell from the stairs. Her head is bleeding and blood is also coming from her vagina.

"Please call the ambulance!" Blaine yelled at us.

"B, B, are you still alive?" I patted on her cheeks and feel the blood from her head.

Evan walked over to us and checked out her pulse. "She is still alive." Evan said to us. "We better rushed into the hospital before it's too late!"

"Bring her to my parents' car!" Blaine said to us.

I lifted her up slowly and walked out from the house as the car quickly pulled over on the porch. I put her in and Blaine got inside and the car quickly went away. We then spread out and rushed into our cars to follow them.

I just hope that the baby will be okay. Not only the baby but also Bianca. The most important thing is her. But I wasn't sure since I saw a lot of blood coming out from her vagina. But at least I hope that she would be fine.

We got to the hospital. They rushed Bianca into the ER immediately. We walked to the waiting room and waiting for the doctor to take care of her. I'm really worried and I guess that everyone did the same thing.

"Blaine, how is she?" Mr. Anderson ran to us followed by Mrs. Anderson behind him.

"The doctor is still inside." Blaine simply answered.

"What was happening?" Mrs. Anderson frowned at him.

"I guess that she fell down from the stairs." Blaine shrugged and looked down.

The doctor walked out from the room and turned his face at us. "She needs surgery right away. She has miscarriage. She lost much blood and we have to do that right now." The doctor said to us.

"But is she okay?" Blaine asked him.

"Her head got hit pretty bad but we had sewed up the wound. Now, we have to do the c-section surgery right away." The doctor answered and walked away.

Mrs. Anderson started to cry. Her, Blaine and his dad started to hugging each other. I looked down as I realized some tears fall down from my eyes. It's really hard for me actually but I have to be strong.


Bianca's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. My parents, my brothers and Tanner are here. I remember that I was in the hospital. I also remember that blood coming out of my vagina. I remember the doctor said that they have to safe my life but not the baby. I remember all of those before I went blanking from the shots.

"Hey, you're awake." Blaine smiled at me. "Do you need something?"

"No, I'm fine." I shook my head. "So, was it a boy or a girl?"

"You couldn't see that yet. It was like a handful of blood." Blaine answered.

"Did Sam knew about this?" I asked him.

"Yes. He knew." Blaine simply nodded.

"Honey, there's something we need to tell you." Mom said to me and held my hand. "You were not only had a miscarriage. You also had a hysterectomy."

"What is hysterectomy?" I frowned at them.

"Your uterus had been removed. They did that to safe your life. If they didn't, you would have been in heaven now. But the worst part is you couldn't get pregnant anymore. If you want to have a child then you have to use a surrogate. You can still be a mother soon." Mom explained and rubbed my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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