Chapter 32

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I looked around this empty choir room. We lost. Our season is over and now we are not allowed to use the choir room, not even the auditorium. It's really sad.

"So, that's it? No more Glee?" Sam asked Finn and Mr. Schue.

"Until next September." Mr. Schue simply answered.

"Sugar already bailed," Artie said to us.

"Can I just say what everyone is thinking? This is Marley's fault. New Rachel, my butt. I knew Rachel Berry. I was friends with Rachel Berry, and you, Marley, are no Rachel Berry." Tina grunted.

"Mm-hmm. Preach!" Artie nodded as agreed.

"Guys, guys, enough. It's not like it's over. The holiday concert is later this week, and we are going to be preparing for it all week long. If this is our swan song, let's make it the best one it can be." Finn said to us.

"You expect us to go up in front of the whole school and parade our loserdom for all to see?" Kitty said to Finn.

"Yeah, Kitty does have a point. We agreed to do the show when we thought it would be on the heels of another Sectionals victory. Now it just feels like a pity party." Artie added.

"I love to sing and dance as much as anybody, but without a competition to prep for, it's hard to get motivated," Tina said to them.

"I understand that we need a little shift in perspective, but let's just enjoy this week, and look forward to our big comeback next year," Finn said to us.

"That's right." Mr. Schue nodded.

"What about those of us who won't have a next year?" Sam asked them.

"Yeah some of us will graduate this year," I added.

The bell rings. Mr. Schue and Finn just quiet and stood there. I took my bag and walked out of the choir room. Life is really empty without being a part of a team.

I walked passed a classroom and I heard music playing. I peeked at it and there was Sam and Brittany singing a ballad together. I kept watching them until at the end of the song, they shared a kiss. I half smiled and decided to walk away.

If you ask me, am I moved on from Sam? My answer is no. I'm not 100% over him. Maybe about 50% but I have to let him go for his family and my family. I don't want something to happen to his family if I go back together with him. Because I know dad can do something.

"Sam and Brittany are sort of a couple now," Evan said to me as he walked down next to me.

"So?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I know you are not fully over him. I can see that sometimes you were staring at him in the choir room."

"This is for the best." I half smiled at him and walked away.

I walked in the hallways and saw a cheerio girl approaching Tanner who stood in front of his locker. I grunted and walked fast to Tanner. I grabbed him and kissed him on his lips passionately. After that, I turned my face to that girl.

"I'm sorry, were you hitting on my man or what?" I glared at her.

She scoffed and walked away. "That was awesome. The old Bianca who can be bitch is back." Tanner laughed.

"You think that I'm just gonna be quiet when someone is hitting on my man?" I chuckled.

"Anyway, I have good news for you." Tanner smiled at me.

"What is that?"

"So, I am now the quarterback of the football team. The coach liked how I played and she asked me about my experience I told her that I was QB at Victory School before. And she started to tell me how hard was that to beat Victory in football game, because of me." Tanner grinned at me.

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